Progress 30-10-30

I have been preforming some version of HIT training since reading The New High Intensity Training book back in 2004. My 15 year old son came to me back in August asking for my help building strength. I started digging into some of Dr. Darden’s more recent books and decided to use 30-10-30 to help him out. He has been doing 30-10-30 once a week since September and seen almost no strength or zero weight gains. His form and intensity have improved. Clearly we are missing something important, and I am noticing that he is starting to get, understandingly frustrated. Love to get some advice on adjusting to help him out. For the record. I am working side by side with him and I have seen about a 10 to 20% increase in strength depending on the muscle group.

A week is very little time to see any results in any program. However, if he has not gained weight, it could mean he’s not eating enough. What are you feeding him?

Yeah, Dardens stuff sucks.

30-10-30? Get him on a real program.

You have him training 1x a week? why?

How old are you?


30-10-30 violates most principles of effective strength training. As a strength coach myself, I would use this sort of program instead:

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He said his son has been training since September.

Holy cow, you’re right. I read “once a week” as “one week”.

In that case, there’s definitely something wrong with the nutrition. Zero weight gains since September means the kid is WAY undereating.

No strength increase at all???

is he not increasing weight nor increasing reps with same weight???

why only once a week…have him start with 3 days a week

Body weight increase happens with food

Thank you for the feedback. It seems most are stuck on the eating issue. He is eating a minimum of 3000 calories a day. The average is 4200 calories a day. He is definitely eating enough. We have followed the 30-10-30 diet plan. We have adjusted and tried more protein. His metabolism is thru the roof. My current theory is that his body is processing and using the food that he is taking in. Thanks for the thoughts. Keep sending your thoughts. We will use the advice and keep you posted.

He’s not, if he’s not gaining weight.