I have been training seriously for about 1 month now. I am 28, 5’11" and weigh about 240 (lots of flubber.) My main goal is fat loss, though I have noticed that I am putting on good amounts of muscle and adding good strength as well (the beginner effect I guess) I am hoping for a little help with my program and supplementation. My Program is as follows
Monday, Wednesday (all 4X8):
Front Squat
Good mornings
Calf Raises
Shin Raises
Reverse Lunges
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (all 4X8):
Bench Press
Lat Pulldown (prone)
Lat Pulldown (supine)
Barbell Curl
Hammer Curl
Face Pull
Shoulder Press
Concentration curl
Overhead tricep extension
My questions are as follows:
1)Are there any glaring holes in the program?
2)Can anyone suggest an order to progress through the exercises? Right now I usually do them in a random order different almost every night (except I always deadlift first on leg days, and I try to do the compound movements first on all days)
As far as supplementation, I currently have a whey protein shake with 60 grams of protein after my workout, in addition to two other shakes in the day for another 40 grams total. I also take flax seed oil in pill form and one tablespoon of fish oil in the morning. I also just bought creatine powder and bcaa.
I am not sure if I am timing the supplements correctly, or if I am over/under doing the supplements in general. Any help will be greatly appreciated.