Program & Supplement Help

I have been training seriously for about 1 month now. I am 28, 5’11" and weigh about 240 (lots of flubber.) My main goal is fat loss, though I have noticed that I am putting on good amounts of muscle and adding good strength as well (the beginner effect I guess) I am hoping for a little help with my program and supplementation. My Program is as follows

Monday, Wednesday (all 4X8):
Front Squat
Good mornings
Calf Raises
Shin Raises
Reverse Lunges

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (all 4X8):
Bench Press
Lat Pulldown (prone)
Lat Pulldown (supine)
Barbell Curl
Hammer Curl
Face Pull
Shoulder Press
Concentration curl
Overhead tricep extension

My questions are as follows:
1)Are there any glaring holes in the program?
2)Can anyone suggest an order to progress through the exercises? Right now I usually do them in a random order different almost every night (except I always deadlift first on leg days, and I try to do the compound movements first on all days)

As far as supplementation, I currently have a whey protein shake with 60 grams of protein after my workout, in addition to two other shakes in the day for another 40 grams total. I also take flax seed oil in pill form and one tablespoon of fish oil in the morning. I also just bought creatine powder and bcaa.

I am not sure if I am timing the supplements correctly, or if I am over/under doing the supplements in general. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Chest. db inclines x3
bench press x3
machine press x2
Back. T-rows x3
Lat pulldows x3
Machine rear delt x4

Biceps. H.Curls x3
EZ bar-Curls x3
Preacher Curls (EZ bar) x2
Triceps.Skull Crushers x4
Close grip bench press x4
Tricep extensions x3

Quads. Full squats x4
Machine leg press x4
Calves.Standing raises x3
Sitting raises x3
Donkey raises x3
Hams. Romanian Deadlifts x4
Reverse leg curls x5

Shoulders.Military press x4
Upright rows x4
Arnold press x3

…and thats the end of the cycle monday i start again. For triceps i used to do 3 sets before adding one extra set to each of the 3 different exercises like 2 months into my routine. Any comment guys???

not enough frequency i.e. hitting each muscle group once a week is useless for a beginner. . . your inter and intra muscular coordination is not developed enought to be able to push your muscles to the limit just yet therefore you cannot inflict enough damage/ initiate enough repair to warrant such a long time for recovery between sessions. . hit each muscle group twice a week. an ‘arms day’ is nonsense. its too easy i dont care what anyone says and an excuse to walk around the gym sleezing with a tank top on without a single bead of sweat on your head haha


bench, dips and rows, Bi’s tri’s

Squats and abs calves

overhead pressing, chins Bi’s Tri’s


Deadlift, hams, calves abs

i literally just posted this on another thread but i think its relevant for you too. . .

doing deads and squats both in one day is not only ridiculous but it should be near impossible if your using appropriate weight!

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday (all 4X8):
Bench Press
Lat Pulldown (prone)
Lat Pulldown (supine)
Barbell Curl
Hammer Curl
Face Pull
Shoulder Press
Concentration curl
Overhead tricep extension

doing all that 3 days a week is a bit 'too much frequency and your time on one of those days would probably be better spent recovering/ doing some high intensity intervals or something (you said u wanna lose some bodyfat yea?

more fishoil at least 2x/day

[quote]bryan.kav wrote:

doing deads and squats both in one day is not only ridiculous but it should be near impossible if your using appropriate weight!


It’s working fine for me and I have been adding weight consistantly for a month now. Granted I do Front Squats instead of back but I do full conventional DLs.

split them and youl lift heavier. . . guaranteed