So, here’s my general plan, I don’t relate days of the week to a specific day, but it basically translates into 2 days on, 1 day off (typically light work and stretching) and I alternate the main (1st) lift every other workout.
Day 1: (back and bi)
-Conventional Deadlift 5x5
OR Pendlay Rows 5x5
-Pull Ups 5x5 w/weight, or 3x10 without
-Bodyweight rows on DL days, Snatch Pulls on Pendlay days
-2 higher rep biceps workouts, barbell curls, preachers, dumbbell curls, etc.
Day 2: (chest and tri)
-Flat Bench 5x5 OR Decline Bench 21’s
-Single arm dumbell press 3x10 (varying angles periodically)
-Dumbbell Flys 3x10
- 2 Various higher rep Tricep lifts, skull crushers, pulldowns, extensions, etc.
Day 3: (light)
Stretching any noticeably tights spots, shoulder work, about 3 ab excersises, or until I’m gassed, whichever comes first, grip work, Calves, etc.
A lot of this day is just to keep me in the frame of mind, and staying focused
Day 4: (legs and shoulders)
-Squats 5x5 OR Zercher Squats 5x5
-Lunges until I die OR Rear foot elevated split squats 3x8
-Hamstring Curls 3x10
-Sholders are in rehab, but something to the effect of lighter shoulder press, landmine press, Rear Flys, and so on.
Hopefully that is easily readable when it’s posted.
I’ve asked a million questions, but I’ve never actually had my routine looked at and picked apart, so I’m welcome to all criticism.
My main goal is really a combination of size and strength, strength being a little higher of a desire.
I’ve kind of settled on this “program” (I say that loosely, having never actually had someone look at it) because it seems focused, but it also varies enough to keep me interested. I like focusing on barbell work, and I’m also limited in the dumbbell department.
I’ve been looking into periodization, but I’m not too sure where to begin.
And here’s some personal info: 6’3", 210lbs, 25ish BMI (Just for perspective, I’ve got a little pudge), current barbell 5 rep maxes and details:
Bench: 275, haven’t moved in just over a month, and it’s ugly
Squat: 285, been here for a while
Deadlift: 335, got 345 x3 and felt like I was going to have a stroke, but deadlift is slowly still climbing
Work Monday-Friday, but have time to lift 7 days a week, so I’m open to any variations, thanks for any advice my dudes!