Hi all, just the usual long time reader & first time poster. Just some brief about me -
Height: 188cm
Weight: 86 - 87kgs
BF%: 12 - 13%
Squat - 130kgs
Bench - 85kgs
Deadlift - Never done.
I’ve been lifting for a little over a year now, and basically am sturggling to make new progress. My ‘newbie gains’ were pretty good (started around 78kgs) and am currently sitting around 86 - 87kgs depending on the day. I lifted 5 days a week, had a solid routine & was also hitting all nutrient / macro requirements. I was also doing First XV Rugby Training three days a week (2 hours of fitness as well as ballskills, heavy contact etc).
Basically all of this has levelled out and I’m struggling to use the weights that I was previously using, for the same amount of sets. I am a lot stronger in my legs then I am upper body.
Essentially, what I am asking for is a program that will help me develop pure strength. I need something that will make me physically strong. I realise it takes time, I want to play Premier Grade Rugby in the next two years and need to bulk up quiet a bit. I’m willing to do whatever it takes.