Ive dislocated my elbow playing american football and have arm in cast. i want to get something positive out of this experience.
As a test i did this today and all he movements felt fine.
one arm deadlift 140kgx1
nohands fr sq 100x3
bpr one arm 30x12
one arm chest supported row 30x19
one arm db mil 20x10-12
I propose doing the presses twice a week, the front squat twice a week, the one arm dead w straps once a week. And also doing the rowing 3 times a week [i really want to improve lat/upper back strength - and i cant do chins w one arm obviously]
Does this sound reasonable exercise selection [+abs]?
Any issues with training my left upper body hard and obviously being unable to use right?
I’m not an expert or anything (far, far from) so take what I say with a pinch of salt but I’m not sure you’d want to be doing much upper body. Unless you can somehow get both sides engaged it seems as though it’d create more issues later on when your other arm is fine.
Personally I’d probably just try focus the hell out of lower body. Probably jump on something that has you squatting many times a week - Smolov or whatever else - and just really try increase your squat.
If possible using safety squat bar so that you can actually squat.
I’ve read many times that if you keep training the uninjured limb hard, the other will keep more of its strength. I don’t know how that would happen, but something similar did seem to happen to my broken leg.
Good luck.
just did 180kg one arm dead w straps n shocking skocking form.
also 115kg front squat. was pretty stupid bcos if it rolled onto my elbow id be in trouble
i also tried backi squatting holding onto plates 100kgx5 was extremely hard and bar wa nicely resting on my neck. i have no idea how misha k did that —superglue or tacky probably
anyone care to chime in with whether only training one side of upper body is a good or bad thing?
anyone reckon rowing 3 or 4 times a week could be good for strength gains? reps and sets?
charlespoliquin.com/Blog/tabid/130/EntryId/797 /Tip-221-Perform-Single-Side-Training -When-Injured-and-Stay-Strong-in-Both-Limbs-Cross- Education-Principle.aspx
Yep, it seems it’s much better to train the uninjured side, than not to train it.
Are you squatting high bar? The few times I tried no arms squatting just for fun, I put the bar high up and shrugged my traps up a bit.
And then there’s this guy: One Armed Row and Bench Critique - Beginners - Forums - T Nation
I came in here expecting to see a war hero with his arm blown off or something.
I am disappoint.
when i messed my wrist up last december, i pretty much just zombie-front squatted
[quote]ros1816 wrote:
just did 180kg one arm dead[/quote]
=400 pounds
Video please
So the football career was shortlived huh?
@vtballa check the avatar
@fightinirish - just what a man needs in a time of difficulty. I will return (just a dislocation) albeit reluctantly.