Program Critique Please

Hi there - long time lurker infrequent poster.

My current routine is spaced over 8 days with every Sunday off.

day 1 one arm snatch (sets of 3/2/1 reps) / curl (5 x 3)

day 2 bench (5 x 3) / back exts

day 3 pulldown (5 x 4 - will increase reps) / russian twist (1 x 10, 1x 5)

day 4 deadlift (3 x 5) / reverse curl (1 x 10, 1 x max reps 4 seconds up/down, 1 x max fast positive controlled negative, 1 x max negative only, 1 x max fast positive controlled negative)

day 5 Military press (5 x 3) on the last rep max overhead shrugs.
Sidebend 2 x 10, lateral raises 2 x 10

day 6 hang pull 3 x 5, rotator cuff work 3 x 8.

day 7 Row 5 x 5, neck work

day 8 hack squat 3 x 5, single leg squats x max. weighted crunch 3 x 20, 1x 10.

Well thats it - thanks for reading so far!

Its quite low volume as my recovery is very bad. I’ve had insomnia for about 12 years and my previous routines have been over 2/3/4 days and sometimes 3 workouts every 14 days.

I also suffered from a thyroid disorder last september (very fast metabolism,shakes, heart rate went from 57bpm to 105bpm and chest pain)

I lost 42lbs in 6 weeks - mostly muscle i think - my extensor movements were 50% weaker over a period of a few weeks - i think this is particular to hyperthyroid?!?

My levels are back to normal as of 6 weeks ago but my weight has ballooned up to 292lbs - almost 21st in my language lol.

Finally the questions…

1 does this look enough to maintain/build lbm

2 should i include gpp/cardio - i want to get back to martial arts

3 can anyone tell me if they’ve had good results with the Velocity Diet and more importantly how did coming off it affect them? anything to say about T-Dawg diet?

4 do you keep the bar just below your knees on hang pulls? and do you drop the bar after every rep? how far do you pull it your body?

5 is there too much back work in the routine? i don’t want to overtrain it as it has been painful (a really pumped feeling when walking around) before.

6 what are your feelings on hack squats - i’d like bigger quads/hamstrings/calves but not any bigger backside (pesky postierer chain work :wink:

7 my previous best bench was 110kg x 5 reps. I have been using 85kg recently moving the bar as fast as possible and tried a single and got 120kg - this is great for me as i have several old shoulder injuries. Is this fast positive work known as dynamic? Is it good for athletic purposes ie faster/stronger (don’t want to use the “functional” buzzword lol. Is this the basis of Westside?

height 5’10
weight 292 ish (heavier than homer simpson though i strangley don’t look it)
Deadlift 210kg
one arm snatch 52.5kg
bench 120kg
press 71kg (previous best 82.5 x 5 - want to do 100kg strictly someday!)

i’d like to be healthy,stronger and leaner in that order :slight_smile:

i appreciate anyone who has read all this and am grateful in advance for any hints/advice.


Wheres the love i ask you? lol