Progestin Based Pro-Hormones

anyone have any info on these? I’m seeing them start to pop up everywhere and don’t really get how a progestin based PH can work, isn’t progestin what’s in some forms of birthcontrol?

[quote]CU AeroStallion wrote:
anyone have any info on these? I’m seeing them start to pop up everywhere and don’t really get how a progestin based PH can work, isn’t progestin what’s in some forms of birthcontrol?[/quote]

I’ve only seen one product thus far, at least that’s been pointed out to me. A few comments, and I’m being nice.

The one product I’ve seen thus far is based off of medroxyprogesterone. Medroxyprogesterone, aka Provera, as in Depo-Provera (medroxyprogesterone acetate), the contraceptive used in women. The large mistake being made is a confusion by whomever is selling these products between structure and activity when referencing a class of hormone. They make statements that nandrolone, trenbolone, oxymetholone, etc., are all progestins. Structurally, this is incorrect, they are not progestins. Granted, they may, coincidentally have progestational activity, but this does not change their classification to the androgen class.

On a side note, I’ve also seen incorrect statements that nandrolone is a progesterone derivative. This is incorrect as well. Nandrolone, as well as oxymetholone are derivatives of testosterone, as one would expect.

Anyhow, getting back to my point, they’re confusing an androgen’s cross-reactivity with the progesterone receptor for structural classification. So, based upon this flawed idea, they’re picking actual progestins, not androgens with progestational activity, and using them as products. The next statements made are that these exact compounds have been shown to be anabolic and have been used to treat cachexia and so forth. Well, a few clarifications need to be made. Compounds like medroxyprogesterone have been shown to have an “anabolic” effect, (I’m sure some women will identify with this) unfortunately, it’s a gain in fat mass and edema, not skeletal muscle. This has been confirmed clinically, over and over again as well. As for the reason why progestins like megestrol are (FDA approved) used in anorexia and cachexia, that is due to the stimulation of appetite, and again an increase or preservation of “weight” but again this is due to an increase in fat deposition, not an increase in lean body mass. The vast majority of data indicates a gain in appetite, edema, and weight (predominately consisting of fat mass). Aside from this, the main comparison is with medroxyprogesterone, which is not the same compound…they seem to be wanting to compare their product to both megestrol and medroxyprogesterone.

Aside from this, the use of progestins can drastically suppress endogenous testosterone production, decrease libido, cause gynecomastia, negatively alter blood lipids, increased risk for thromboembolism, just naming a few more negative aspects.

It’s these types of products that make me shake my head. It’s one thing if you had a product that was actually efficacious, it just might be worth the possible side effects, but in this case, you don’t even have that to work with.

so the cliffs notes version of this is “T-men shouldn’t take birthcontrol!”

thanks for the info Cy, I hope this will prove useful for all the folks here who’ve been asking about such strange products. I for one know my email gets spammed by crap like this all too often.

Now everyone knows what this crap really is and to stay away from it!

Everyone who read Cy’s explanation.

Thanks to congress this is the kind of crap that has come along to replace Androstenediol.

As long as it doesn’t affect baseball it will probably be considered safe.

I hate politicians.