Good day,
wanted to discuss a topic I’ve read about a bit and get your guys opinion on it. First thing is MENT in bodybuilding and then secondly male hormonal contraception.
MENT was originally developed as a contraceptive for men. As some guys (per example @unreal24278 ) stated before it is of great risk to use it.
The daily news writes:
“ However, this is where Ment differs; in fact, Trestolone is the only steroid in the market today that is capable of enabling a man to have normal physiology in the absence of testosterone, including sustaining an erection.”
“ For bodybuilders who want to build strength and lean muscle mass while simultaneously reducing excess body fat, Trestolone is the best steroid”
What do you think about the effects? @mnben87 @readalot @iron_yuppie
From what I read I’m more than skeptical that it’s as hunky dory as they say in bodybuilding as well as in male contraception.
And now to T based stuff: they are injecting testosterone undecanoate every 12 weeks for contraception. Who TF would do that if they’d read any experience on this and why would BigPharma do it every 12 weeks whilst knowing kinetics? Ridiculous.
Also, people do impregnate their woman when they are on cycle so I don’t know how reliable a testosterone based contraception would be.
I don’t see a male hormonal contraceptive method on the horizon and I don’t think it’s the way to go.