Probiotics Make Me Fart

Basically, Ive been changing my diet and taking some digestive enzymes and a probiotic due to a leaky gut. I noticed right away my craving for fatty food diminished significantly and I am finding that I am generally less hungry. However…I have more gas than usual now, which I am not sure what to make of (is that a bad thing or a good thing) and Id like some advice on treating this matter. Thanks for your help.

Perfectly normal; very common when you add probiotics.

Have you looked into resistant starch at all?

I eat potatoes as a snack frequently and according to the Wikipedia page they are a resistant starch

Post your diet, it will help people give you better more specific advice.

[quote]Aero51 wrote:
Basically, Ive been changing my diet and taking some digestive enzymes and a probiotic due to a leaky gut. I noticed right away my craving for fatty food diminished significantly and I am finding that I am generally less hungry. However…I have more gas than usual now, which I am not sure what to make of (is that a bad thing or a good thing) and Id like some advice on treating this matter. Thanks for your help.[/quote]

Have you considered using Kefir? Supplement type probiotics are nowhere near as good and are expensive.

[quote]Aero51 wrote:
I eat potatoes as a snack frequently and according to the Wikipedia page they are a resistant starch[/quote]

for sure, but they need to have cooled by the time you eat them

If the farting is not excessive/serious problem for you don’t worry. Many good things (ie. majority of veggies) can make you fart.

Farting is okay, just a natural thing to do. Embrace it!