
Question: Starting a cycle of primo and Androsol to try it out. Just wanted to make sure I had the conversion of mg’s to CC’s.
I wanted to use 250 mg’s of primo every 3 days. Does 250 mg’s of primo work out to 2.5 CC’s. I have done that in the past and it worked fine, but I want to be accurate in my dosages. Thanx.

You have to look on your vial or ampule and see what it says. It should say something like 100mg/ml. That means there’s 100mg of Primo in 1 ml. So 250mg would be 2.5ml. A ml is the same as a CC. So you’re right. Hope it works well for you. Most don’t do real well on a Primo only cycle.

Depends on the manufacturer. Usually the German version is 100 per ml and the Mexican version is 50 per ml.