Back story:
Just came off about 3 weeks ago what I thought would be a cycle and decided I’d cruise instead. I have my PCP supporting me from a self-harm aspect and I can be completely transparent with her. She said she would be able to arrange a visit to urology (where she sends others) to get a prescription long-term when I am ready. Until then she is monitoring bloodwork through insurance. Maybe another year and a half or 2 before I go real TRT. I like controlling my own stuff as I am 270mg Test E a week now and my bloodwork looks good.
I would like to run the following in about 8 weeks but need advice on the best route
400mg Primo Weeks 1-20
400mg Test E Weeks 1-20
Anavar 25mg weeks 11-15
Anavar 45mg Weeks 15-20
300mg Primo Weeks 1-26
300mg Test E Weeks 1-26
Anavar 25mg weeks 15 - 19
Anavar 45mg Weeks 20-25
or I could run 25mg of Anavar 12 weeks.
The goal is to lean bulk maybe cut a little at first but mainly lean bulk. 300-400 calorie surplus?
The gear is legit and has been tested.
So, What option is better
Last blast:
T3 slow ramp from 25mcg to 75mcg
3 weeks clen @ 40mcg (just had some sent free)
Test E 600mg Weeks 1 -10
Tren E 200 mg weeks 1-5 400mg weeks 5-10
Tbol weeks 6-10 50mg
Primo doesn’t yield much in small doses. 400mg is a very low end for physical improvements. Just an FYI. Var will trash your lipids. I’m not a fan of anybody running it for 10 weeks. Those would be my feedback for you to digest and discuss with your physician as well.
I have a hard time believing thats how it works exactly but have hear people in both camps. Kind of like calorie in calorie out is my thoughts. But never ran it. Heard of plently running trt and low dose like under 300 with great results though, also hear people say 800+ to see results.
I also could go 500/500 for 16 weeks if thats thought of as better. The Var though yes wrecks lipids. Did when i took it before, however that was at 50 to 75mg. 25 is pretty low.
I could skip the var and run 200mg tren E. I have almost no sides from tren. Except hyper sexual but not my first rodeo handling that.
My whole thought was low and slow with less damage as ill be on test forever.
Honestly, this is one of the worst side effects imo. Maybe if you’re single, it’s okay. Even testosterone messes with my mind in high doses. Makes a man want to wander if in a relationship though. Or at least for me.
Yeah it caused a little trouble in my marriage TBH. She is low libdo any how. So im use to not getting the sex I want. True story. But we are doing counseling and its helped her not be a bitch and hopeful it helps in the bedroom. My wife is a total Karen but she is hot and atleast cool to me for the most part.
Most of that was at 400mg
So whats worse on liver and lipids? Tren at 200mg or anavar at 25 to 45mg?