TRT Adding Primo

Currently been running Test E for 8 months at 150mg week x2 75mg shots no issues cutting well more to go, Want to try a clean bulk.

Looking to add Primo but i dont want to crash my Estrogen, Thinking Upping Test 250mg Week… This sound ok??

Have Dbol on hand if E2 crashes. (i do have access to other orals not that i plan to use them yet unless you thing better for this purpose)

I know my questions will be more based on trial and error and opinions from yoursleves, I will be having bloods done via medi checks. Im merely looking into 1st steps of setting up a cycle

My aim to keep cutting mainly on a maintenance calories so that any muscle gained will be lean.


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What’s your dosage and schedule plan? I had to run primo at least 600mg/wk back when I was partaking to get much out of it. It usually comes in small concentrations which also means pinning a lot of oil.

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Thanks for reply, I plan to up my trt of 150mg week to 250mg week 2x 125mg jabs.

I have 200mg Primo E i plan jab 400mg 2x 200mg week run it for 12/14 weeks

Currently not needing to run AI so im worried adding primo will crash E2, Hence upping Test to 250mg but would this be enough??
I also have Tren E which i could run at 200mg week, Personally never had prob with Tren other than night sweats, i ran at 200mg while cutting and worked well, Test then was 250mg week too.

I will be getting bloods when running cycle so ill have better idea when on cycle.

If you’ve run Tren then you will be unimpressed with Primo. I ran Tren Ace once tapering from 140mg/wk to 210mg/wk over an 8 week period. I don’t recommend tapering most of the time but I was scared or possible side effects. I couldn’t handle the sides even at 200mg but god damn it was effective. Primo was ok, but 200mg Tren was just hands down way more effective than Primo at 600mg for lean gains.

Primo is expensive and hard on the hair line. I didn’t have low E2 feelings but I upped my Test to 400mg I believe. It was the most I had ever pinned in oils. It’s a pretty feel good drug though with low side effects other than poor lipids and hair loss.

I can’t say if you will or,will not feel like you have low E2 on that but I would guess not.

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Geck what did you wind up doing? What did you find (dosage wise) was a good level of primo that would act as an AI but not crash your E

After many discussions decided to keep Primo for when blasting on any future Test cycle where ill be using higher amounts of Test. So i ended up adding in Mast E at 100mg week Along side my Test at 150mg Week

So keeping low Test + Adding in Mast - What i found was Libido increased when i didnt think could get any netter lol

Vascularity was deffo better, slight strength increase too, Maybe placebo effect but felt like it gave me a more feel good factor.

Think im a little leaner or maybe holding a little less water which may explain vascularity.

No hairline probs allthough im on low dose.

However I started using a AI Arimidex 0.25mg once week as i had a acne outbreak which seems to calmed down abit since starting AI, No other sides or Estrogen related sides.

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