Planning a New Cycle: Test, Primo, Anavar

Hey guys, im thinking of running a cycle in January… Im 24, 5ft 11” currently 194 and 14-16% bodyfat.

I have done two cycles when i was 18 and 19 (i know, really dumb)

  1. test E 250mg every 4 days for weeks 1-18
    tren E 200mg every 4 days weeks 4-16
    masteron E 200mg every 4 days weeks 8-13
    50mg /day anadrol weeks 8-13

pct was a packet of clomid and nolvadex. i dont remember the dose i was taking that was 5 years ago. i i recovered in maybe 4-6 months to the point i felt okay.

second cycle:

  1. 12week cycle 1ml of Sustanon 250mg every 4 days
    1ml of Deca 200mg every 4 days

pct was Nolvadex 40mg a day for one week, 20mg a day.

I realize how bad and irresponsible these cycles have been, i’ve had some low-T when coming off cycle but T is now at 538ng/dl

Last year dabbled with some sarms, 2 bottles of ostarine and 1 bottle of RAD-140 as a cycle. 20mg a day for both.
Noticed some suppression and had some gyno flare up when i came off cycle, did nolvadex for PCT and midigated it, gyno is barely even visible now.

Im now deciding dip my steroidal toe in the water again, want to back to the basics and do everything properly and do pre- and post bloodtests.

I already know how test works, dont want to do any 19-Nors since dont want to be shut down. Im thinking i want to add another injectable, maybe mast or primo, but for now i want the most gains out of the least amount of gear.

This is the cycle i’ve put together:

Test E 350/wk 1-12
?EQ/ Primo E 350/ wk 1-12?
Anavar 30mg a day

HCG 500iu/ M/W/F
Clomid 50mg Nolva 20mg / day

What do you guys think of this cycle? Recommend anything?

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I won’t pepper you with questions on stats since you’ve already cycled twice and you’re going to likely do this anyways. Move the test base to 500mg. I like EQ, 12 wks is short but at least it’s something. I’d do primo instead if you don’t have an MPB issues. I used primo for a short time, I liked it better than EQ but had accelerated hair loss. Use the primo over the EQ if you can, your dose is fine. For the anavar move that to 6 wks tail end of the cycle. that’s when I like to use it to get through the cycle plateau. Can’t speak to the PCT as I’m on TRT but nolva after your cycle will help keep gyno at bay, thats when I use it when I’m dropping everything back to TRT that seems to kick up gyno issues.

It’s all gonna shut you down. Still a great idea to avoid 19nors when you PCT because they stick around so long, but don’t fool yourself into thinking you won’t be shut down. You’re still running the risk of not fully recovering every time you cycle, regardless of drugs used or amounts.

Also post some pictures. For no other reason than I’m curious and like looking at pichers of joozed up guys :tipping_hand_man:


Thanks for the good input. Im a bit cautious for the E2 sides thats why the low dose. i have arimidex on hand. Gonna bump it up to 500, come down if too much aromatization. Propably going to choose primo, hope its real :D. Good advice to move the anavar to the end. And yes, it will all shut me down, but propably will recover, if not, trt sounds appealing.

Run the HCG in the time between the cycle and the SERMs (Clomid and Nolva). I think your dosage is correct for the HCG. Run that 3 weeks, then start the SERM. I would probably only run Nolva. I think that dose is good. Run it 4-6 weeks.

Test/Primo at 1:1 is a good idea. Anavar you can go to 50mg/d if you’d like. It’s a very underrated drug. Extend the cycle to a real length.16-20 weeks is a much better risk/reward than 12 weeks. Better gains (more time = more muscle) but the same amount of shutdown (100%). Both test and primo are well tolerated and 16 weeks is not terribly long while on milder compounds. Maximize the benefit as best you can.

Skip Clomid, there’s no reason for it. Nolva alone is good enough. Use the HCG throughout if you can. You’ll thank me later. If not then use it in the two weeks between the last pin and the start of PCT.


Thanks for the input! should be good to buy one more bottle of both compounds. Ditching clomid. Anavar is pretty expensive, never tried it before but i guess i have to stock up on that a too. This is some advice i like to hear👍🏻. hcg trough the cycle is a bit too impractical, i appreciate the advice though. Will be posting updates. I live in Finland where the gyms are closed until 10th of January.

@iron_yuppie speaking of primo… I know for SOME it acts as an AI almost. If someone was pre disposed for that effect, when would it start working? Is it something that builds up and starts to work or?

Hopefully I’ve worded this where it makes sense.

It would start working the same time any other hormone attached to the enanthate ester would. So you’d have an immediate release of some small portion and then it would build up and stabilize by week five or six. Best guess.


I ran 600mg of primo and 250mg of test for 16 weeks. It was a decent cycle, with decent gains, but IMO not worth the cost. That is something only you can decide. I wasn’t blown away with the results, and left wanting a bit more. However, my lab work not being destroyed was a big bonus. Your stats are very similar to mine, would be curious to see a photo!

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Pics are always helpful.
What are your goals and realistic expectations?
How is your strength progressing?

I can only speak for my experiences in the '70’s, '80’s, and '90’s. The only time I did cycles longer than 8 weeks was when a contest was at the end of 12 weeks. If I could get HCG, I did it for 20 days after a cycle. And stayed off cycle for 6 weeks, or so. Then back on another 8 week cycle. I never cruised.

Fundamentally I like the cycle you plan to do. The exception is that I could never exceed 200mg of testosterone a week (and I had less aromatization with cypionate than enanthate.) I would prefer most any injectable to Equipose, but still never got above 50 to 100mg per week. I liked Winstrol-V and Methandriol at 100mg/wk, but 200mg of Deca/wk was my go-to anabolic injectable. I particularly like your choice of 30mg of Anavar per day.