Hey guys, im thinking of running a cycle in January… Im 24, 5ft 11” currently 194 and 14-16% bodyfat.
I have done two cycles when i was 18 and 19 (i know, really dumb)
- test E 250mg every 4 days for weeks 1-18
tren E 200mg every 4 days weeks 4-16
masteron E 200mg every 4 days weeks 8-13
50mg /day anadrol weeks 8-13
pct was a packet of clomid and nolvadex. i dont remember the dose i was taking that was 5 years ago. i i recovered in maybe 4-6 months to the point i felt okay.
second cycle:
- 12week cycle 1ml of Sustanon 250mg every 4 days
1ml of Deca 200mg every 4 days
pct was Nolvadex 40mg a day for one week, 20mg a day.
I realize how bad and irresponsible these cycles have been, i’ve had some low-T when coming off cycle but T is now at 538ng/dl
Last year dabbled with some sarms, 2 bottles of ostarine and 1 bottle of RAD-140 as a cycle. 20mg a day for both.
Noticed some suppression and had some gyno flare up when i came off cycle, did nolvadex for PCT and midigated it, gyno is barely even visible now.
Im now deciding dip my steroidal toe in the water again, want to back to the basics and do everything properly and do pre- and post bloodtests.
I already know how test works, dont want to do any 19-Nors since dont want to be shut down. Im thinking i want to add another injectable, maybe mast or primo, but for now i want the most gains out of the least amount of gear.
This is the cycle i’ve put together:
Test E 350/wk 1-12
?EQ/ Primo E 350/ wk 1-12?
Anavar 30mg a day
HCG 500iu/ M/W/F
Clomid 50mg Nolva 20mg / day
What do you guys think of this cycle? Recommend anything?