The information about mid training and post training nutrition is thoroughly talked about but often missing is the effect that the pre training meal has on the physiological systems during training and post training and how there would be a need to alter the nutrition at these times according to the pre training meal. People usually eat a small to moderate size meal between an hour to 3 hours pre training and the carbs and proteins from this meal will often gradually be utilised during the training period and the protein may effect the post training period eg. blood sugar and a degree of insulin could be maintained throughout training after a meal, and post training protein synthesis has been seen to be greatly increased with the intake of just several grams of essential AAs 1 hours pre training, and yet the mid training and post training nutrition plan seems to ignore this. Any comments?
I’ve thought about the same thing. I normally eat supper around 6pm and hit the gym about 7pm. I don’t understand how that meal can not effect my work out and recovery. I normally have a P+F meal here but I wonder if eating a P+C meal followed by my Surge during and post work out would not be a better combination.
I’d like to hear JB’s thoughts on this.
This morning, for the first time in months, I decided to forego my normal bowl of oats (with raisins) for a Grow! bar. I thought 22g of carbs and 22g of protein would be good for me instead of 30-35g of carbs and 6g of protein. My usual 5:00am workout was NOT the same, even with a Spike in me.
I think skipping the morning “mini carb load” is something I don’t want to risk again.
I normally workout in the morning, so when I wake up, I take a few scoops of protein. If I’m cutting, I drink a small glass of apple or cranberry juice and wait 30 min to workout. If I’m bulking, I’ll have 4 oz of pasta and wait 60 min before working out.
The pasta helps greatly with my pumps. The juice still helps, but it mainly keeps my blood sugar from crashing 3/4 of the way through the workout.
I have found that if I have a solid meal, I must wait at least two hours to avoid nausea, but I always take in some protein powder.
Well this is the Very thing I had been talking about with David Barr and on my thread for Prime time to some point. AR question or something like that
I dont have time now but cant wait for David Barr to see this. This is right down his alley
Oh Dave where you at. LOL
Lets get some more feedback then
I was wondering where this thread got to…
Rich, the common practice of ignoring a pre workout meal, in favor of a post workout meal, is one of the biggest flaws with strength training today.
Having said that, the data to which you refer come from research using fasted subjects, which slightly alters the equation.
I prefer pre workout to during workout meal because absorption is incomplete during the exercise (which also applies to the pre workout meal).
Finally, it’s a very important to note that rather then giving the essential AA’s 1 hour pre workout, they are given immediately before training. If they were in fact given 1 hour before, you’d be in a very catabolic state just before training.
[quote]David Barr wrote:
I was wondering where this thread got to…
Rich, the common practice of ignoring a pre workout meal, in favor of a post workout meal, is one of the biggest flaws with strength training today.
Having said that, the data to which you refer come from research using fasted subjects, which slightly alters the equation.
I prefer pre workout to during workout meal because absorption is incomplete during the exercise (which also applies to the pre workout meal).
Finally, it’s a very important to note that rather then giving the essential AA’s 1 hour pre workout, they are given immediately before training. If they were in fact given 1 hour before, you’d be in a very catabolic state just before training.
So if you were supplementing with additional amino acids, when would be the best time to include them then, PWO with your Surge?
So we can adjust the mid training nutrion but what about the post?