What’s up T-men? I was wondering if any of you have any good Power lifting routines to pack on some mass. I have never really lifted like a power lifter, but I am looking to spend the next few months giving it a shoot. It seems like all of the power lifting stuff I come across is different. Anyone have any advise from personal experience with routines. I have read all kinds of things, and being that I have a BB background, I’m not too sure which direction to go with it. I know that I should stick to compound movements and all that but what I’m looking for is what to do as far as a split and or sets/reps…. Any help would be greatly appreciated…. at least a point in the right direction. Peace.
Sped, If you’re interested in powerlifting you absolutley must read Louie Simmions and Dave Tate. I could give you the run-down on westside training, but I think reading Simmions and Tate will be more beneficial to you than me rambling on in this post.
Do a search on t-mag for Dave Tate he has done quite a few articles on big (or should that be HUGE)benching squatting etc, westside site is elitefitnesssystems.com
Thanks guys…i have read there info on the site quite a few times now and found it very useful. Right now i’m just working on putting a routine together thought, and just debating what it incorperate in it.
Deepsquatter.com has a ton of articals written by both Louie Simmons and Dave Tate about the westside method.
I was skimming through the posts and saw this & really wanted to stop and mention to you that the work of Louie Simmons & his Westside Barbell club is the perfect stop for any Powerlifter. He and Dave Tate have dedicated there careers in this venue and cannot imagine you doing better. I know Dave Tate has written a number of articles on tmag as well for you reference. So in question of what direction to go - hey all roads head to Westside and you can gurantee they’ll take good care of you.
In faith,
Coach Davies
Like everyone else has said to do read Simmons, and Tate stuff. My friends and I have also in the past few months been doing powerlifting stuff like Westside. We train M,W,F,Sun. M-Max Effort Sq.- Box sq. to an inch below parallel, Glute-ham raises, abs, twists, crunches, side bends. We also do GM, and St. Leg DL. W-Max Effort Bench- Board presses, close-grip, jm presses, elbows out ext. we also do back-bent over row, towell pullups. F-Dynamic sq.-Light explosive bx. sq. St. Leg DL, glute hams, abs. Sun-Dynamic bench- Explosive w/ bands or chains, varying grips (close, ultra wides). jm presses, close-grip, elbows-out. Then on days off or after workout we do some sled drags. Make sure you do everything as explosive as you can be, one thing i’ve heard from lots of people is bar speed is the key. Read, and re-read Tate’s and Simmons’ articles. Good luck.