I got 99 problems and being a spazzy whitebelt is one
An out of shape, lacking in strength and stuggling to get fit to go back to the gym after over 6 months off to be precise.
Hey gentlemen and ladies, I am looking for some advice from the cool kids of the forum, the men who reside in this dark corner of the internet.
Don’t worry I am not looking for functional training involving swiss balls and PVC pipes or looking to tone.
I am not looking to make my own program or fancy myself as the next Paval.
I am merely looking fo0r a bit of assurance I am heading in the right direction.
I am quitting squatting, I have been perfecting the technique for over a year and even when I have trained with a reputable coach and been supervised using light weight and great form, I still get knee pain. Probably from trauma I have suffered in early life leaving me with proper Billy Elliot knees.
I am going to be doing the working class alternative, to quote on particular shady looking character. I am going to be dead lifting. To be exact I am going two be doing two sets of 5 a day, for 5 days a week. Along with a press, a few pullups and HLR afterwards to prevent imbalances.
To put it the easy way I am going to be doing the Power to the people program.
This is what I was thinking.
Deadlift 2x5
CG bench 2x5
pullups 10
HLR 15
15 minutes foam rolling
45 minutes stretching following a video on my Iphone
I am in the worst shape of my life so this is going to offer a steady, low volume and simplistic template to make some quick and needed progress on.
I am planning on following these sessions up with cardio that will not destroy my already fucked knees and will offer me a form of cardio that will not crush me. Swimming for an hour, freestyle
I am just trying to eat good, nutrient rich food, I am not counting calories or macros, I will be taking in moderate protein and fat, probably around 100 grams a day of each at around 180 pounds and 25 percent bodyfat.
How is my press option? Deadlift is mandatory!
How will the swimming translate to grappling and kickboxing?
Can anyone recommend a good stretching video? How are Paval’s ?