I have heard this is easier on the shoulders.
Anyone use this?
I have heard this is easier on the shoulders.
Anyone use this?
It’ll be harder on the shoulders. You have to be a lot more supple to have a closer grip Power Snatch/ Snatch.
Hammer throwers do this.
I rarely if ever do it.
yeah if you used your regular snatch weights this would fuck your shoulders in the ear. I think why Boyle says its easy on the shoulders is you cannot use as much weight as a snatch grip snatch. Also it would be dumb hard to get a full squat finish so you would have to power everything, also restricting your weight.
I have used these 3 time for conditioning:
5 close grip 60kg hang snatch
5 power cleans
5 power jerks
5 squat + press from the front
almost killed me.
They’re not that stressful on your shoulders, if so you could always use a mixed/halfway grip.
I believe they help finish the pull, i use 70% of max weight!