Power Pants

Just got my second pair of power pants and I wanted to know if they fit right.
Sent back the first pair as they were 36" and ridiculously tight. Couldn’t even get them on fully.
So got the 38" and they are loose in the waist area but still pretty tight. They cut into my flesh (see pic below). I am only a little guy 34" waist and 24" mid thigh. But why are these pants so big in the waist and tight in the leg? Are they supposed to be like this?
I could live with them and I reckon the next size up will be no good as they will be too big in the waist.
Anybody got any advice?

[quote]creed wrote:
Anybody got any advice?[/quote]

If the waist is too big, have a tailor or drycleaner fix it for you. It looks like Inzer doesn’t have a pair that fits you exactly right, so just have a tailor make it perfect for you. What’s good is that the Pants go high on your stomach, so you’ll be able to lock them in place with your belt too.

Mine are the same way…its cool once you belt them in your really want the breifs to be loose in the tummy area because if there too tight they will really bend you over in the bottom…they look like a good fit…you should see my metal breifs there super tight in the legs and i swear there os loose in the stomach i could put a basketball in there…but once i belt them in there ok too…rb

Thanks for the advice guys.
Tried them for the first time today and they felt superb. I stretched the f**k of the legs though! Something I read about on Elite. But my hips feel great no twinges or anything. But I do waddle a bit with them on like I need a shit!
May well get a belt to lock em in.

Man dont waste your time with those shitty Inzer products, its not worth it. I know that everyone is different but I hear more complaints from people about how the Inzer stuff just doesnt work for them. I tried the “Power Pants” and they were a joke. Frantz, Metal, or Karin all have better briefs.They may cost a little more, but remember, you get what you pay for. Just my opinion.