Figured some people may find this amusing…
Is that you? If so, you can fucking clean that thing if you can front squat that weight! Just get under the bar faster!!!
Dude. You had the bar high enough for sure. All you needed was to drop under it and catch it. Don’t jump your feet out much when trying to catch it, just a little wider than your jumping position. If you keep your stance reasonably close to your jumping position, then when you’re going to catch it you’re not potentially hurting your knees by catching the moving bar in that wide stance and you’ll be able to drop farther under it and catch it in the front squat position. You got it man, I smell a 400 clean in a few months.
Dude I just checked out some Hub photos, you’re fackin’ big! How’s your overall training look like lately?
[quote]PB Andy wrote:
Is that you? If so, you can fucking clean that thing if you can front squat that weight! Just get under the bar faster!!![/quote]
Yes, that is me.
My front squat is pretty strong but my technique is not good since I do not do much OLY lifting. Any tips on the clean would be great…
Here is a front squat video from last month:
[quote]wookieeassassin wrote:
Dude. You had the bar high enough for sure. All you needed was to drop under it and catch it. Don’t jump your feet out much when trying to catch it, just a little wider than your jumping position. If you keep your stance reasonably close to your jumping position, then when you’re going to catch it you’re not potentially hurting your knees by catching the moving bar in that wide stance and you’ll be able to drop farther under it and catch it in the front squat position. You got it man, I smell a 400 clean in a few months.[/quote]
Thank you for the tips, 400 lbs is a long-term goal of mine and I feel that I have the strength but lack technique.
Do you think that I should take a closer stance in the bottom position? I deadlift with a wide stance but a clean is obviously not a deadlift.
[quote]PB Andy wrote:
Dude I just checked out some Hub photos, you’re fackin’ big! How’s your overall training look like lately?[/quote]
I recently won my ASC 105 Kg Strongman Pro Card and my training has been going fairly well. My journal is posted on a couple of other sites and I also post videos on YouTube on a pretty regular basis.
you defiantly have the strength to clean that you just have to commit to getting under the bar. lose the straps and try to work with a hook grip, it will let u rotate your elbows under the bar quicker.
[quote]boldar wrote:
you defiantly have the strength to clean that you just have to commit to getting under the bar. lose the straps and try to work with a hook grip, it will let u rotate your elbows under the bar quicker.[/quote]
Unfortunately my hands are too small to hook grip on most bars, I am like the guy from the burger king commercial.
The straps do definitely get in the way though - will have to keep building my grip strength.
thats rough man, i know a guy with the same problem but on the bright side its a great way to get forearms like popeye. don’t forget that john davis had small hands and still became one of the great weightlifters.
You are a beast, good work! New to the site so you can take my advice with a grain of salt but a couple things I noticed:
Do you have an olmpyic lifting bar (smaller diameter - 28.5), that may help with the hook grip & getting some additional whip on the bar.
To me it looks like you have your feet a little too wide in your set up (should be in a power position, around hip width). A good way to know where your feet should be during the 1st pull is to close your eyes and jump 3 times (where you land on the last jump is your placement). Or, you could just perform a broad jump and notice how far apart your feet are when you intiate the jump.
For getting more comfortable with the catch perform hang cleans to emphasize the 3rd pull or the drop. This will get you used to actively pulling yourself under the bar instead of trying to spread your legs. Also, when you do your front squats narrow the stance. If you want to get better with the clean consider the front squat a supplemental lift, let the back squat be for hypertrophy & strength.
If you video from the side people could get a better understanding if your pull mechanics are looking good.
Keep at it man, that is some impressive strength!
Hey man I train at Elite fitness, check out my snatch vid. What time do you normally train?
[quote]beyultraining wrote:
You are a beast, good work! New to the site so you can take my advice with a grain of salt but a couple things I noticed:
Do you have an olmpyic lifting bar (smaller diameter - 28.5), that may help with the hook grip & getting some additional whip on the bar.
To me it looks like you have your feet a little too wide in your set up (should be in a power position, around hip width). A good way to know where your feet should be during the 1st pull is to close your eyes and jump 3 times (where you land on the last jump is your placement). Or, you could just perform a broad jump and notice how far apart your feet are when you intiate the jump.
For getting more comfortable with the catch perform hang cleans to emphasize the 3rd pull or the drop. This will get you used to actively pulling yourself under the bar instead of trying to spread your legs. Also, when you do your front squats narrow the stance. If you want to get better with the clean consider the front squat a supplemental lift, let the back squat be for hypertrophy & strength.
If you video from the side people could get a better understanding if your pull mechanics are looking good.
Keep at it man, that is some impressive strength!
Thank you for the advice, that is very helpful.
I will try going with a more narrow stance and there is a gym here with Leoko and Eleiko bars although I do not have the opportunity to train there very often. Will also work in some hang cleans to work on the 3rd pull and try doing some narrow front squats.
My primary reason for front squatting is for strongman (log pressing, stone lifting, etc.) which is why I take a bit of a wider stance, but performing both narrow and wide would give me some variation. Will probably keep the stance wide for heavy work and narrow for rep/volume work.
Hopefully the next post that I have here will be a successful clean…
[quote]n8eh2503 wrote:
Hey man I train at Elite fitness, check out my snatch vid. What time do you normally train?[/quote]
I usually come there every other weekend and train with a few of the strongman guys.
Do you focus on Olympic lifting?
Follow that one mate.
The biggest issue for me is NOT YOUR FEET. Some tall lifters do that, they are also thick as f0ck, so it isn’t the main issue. The REAL ISSUE is your not able to WHIPY OUR ELBOWS THROUGH TO A HIGH POSITION.
This is
- lack of practice
- lack of mobility (if you can do this with an empty bar, your mobility is fine, so scratch this)
- your pulling with your arms = loaded = can’t whip them forwards,
after the 2nd pull and shrug THIS IS THE MOST POWER YOU CAN EXERT ON TO THE BAR PROPERLY. From here you just whip your elbows through. The momentum you have given the bar should be enough. Once you get the hang of this you will easily be all over it.
Get a few videeos of say 300, 330, 350lbs so we can see how these look. These will determine how your heavier weights will look like.
Keep it up!