
I have had extreme knee pain for about the past 1 1/2 years, I am sure it is because of my posture, I read the Neanderthal no more article part 111 and my lower body looks just like the guy in the 1st case study (the front one) my femurs are internally rotated, my lower legs are laterally rotated, and my knee caps face out.

How do I fix this? Please help!

I attatched the picture of the guy in the article.



Did you try following the routine in the article?

Stay strong

It would be great if we had written Parts IV and V for that series and included a full eight weeks of corrective programming, huh?

(Hint: check the archives)

I suppose it’s a bad thing that those legs look normal to me…

that is not me- that isthe guy in the article, and they said he has internally rotated femurs, externally rotated feet, and a knee caps out appearance.

[quote]Mike Robertson wrote:
Did you try following the routine in the article?

Stay strong

yea the thing is I can’t do squats, I don’t have the ability to do any type of squatting movement… pretty sad I know, but my knees are in extreme pain, I need to fix the posture problem, expecially because I am heavy.

[quote]BadCoreStability wrote:
that is not me- that isthe guy in the article, and they said he has internally rotated femurs, externally rotated feet, and a knee caps out appearance.[/quote]

That patella illusion must be a result of bad tracking and hyper-extenstion. Anyone care to verify or debunk that analysis?

mabye the reason your knees hut so bad and you cant squat is as you put it because your pretty heavy? i couldnt squat body weight when i was 350 pounds my knees would give out, now at 245 i can squat with that much on my back to paralel no problem and my chronic knee pains are gone

Trigger Point Therapy Workbook.