Post Your Split Routines

[quote]obatiger11 wrote:
Avoids Roids wrote:
Today’s tip comes from Chad Waterbury:

Go Full or Go Home

Total-body workouts beat any split, any day of the week. If you start training all of your major muscle groups every time you go to the gym, you’ll be on the fast track to bigger muscles and higher fitness levels. You’ll build bigger muscles because you’ll be training with a higher frequency, and you’ll build your fitness levels because total-body workouts are damn tough. In fact, you’ll probably have to pace yourself during the first few weeks of total-body training if you’ve been on a body part split!

Everything works for a while, and nothing works forever.



I’ve focused on full-body and upper/lower body splits using only compound exercises and very few isolation exercises for the past 4 or 5 years.

You know what happened? I got stronger and bigger and more athletic. But all my size and strength is in the biggest muscle groups (chest, upper back, glutes, upper legs).

My arms, shoulders and calves are lagging far behind! I needed to switch to a split routine in order to help bring these bodyparts up to par with the rest in order to create a well-balanced physique that is asthetically pleasing.

Like CT and Vince Gironda say, “it’s about creating illusions.” And right now, I haven’t created the illusion I want thanks to years of full-body workouts and such.

[quote]KO421 wrote:
obatiger11 wrote:
Avoids Roids will you stfu with all that crap.
I started this thread to discuss split routines and maybe pick up some ideas/get some advice from other lifters.

Since you asked me so nicely Mr. KO, I can, and certainly will be happy to, “shut the fuck up” about “all that crap.” How could I possibly refuse? However, I truly am sorry that I don’t fit your criteria for being one of the “other lifters.” Obviously these old eyes must have overlooked the AR exclusion from making a reply that must be hidden in whatever the definition of other lifters is. And, while I am begging your forgiveness, my apologies to Chad Waterbury also for quoting him when it was apparently so wrong to do so on your thread Mr. KO. Mea culpa.

BTW, some days or weeks I may “split” that pathertic workout of mine into AM/PM components or even spread it over two days depending on my regular life’s schedule. Please don’t tell anyone.

[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
obatiger11 wrote:
Avoids Roids wrote:
Today’s tip comes from Chad Waterbury:

Go Full or Go Home

Total-body workouts beat any split, any day of the week. If you start training all of your major muscle groups every time you go to the gym, you’ll be on the fast track to bigger muscles and higher fitness levels. You’ll build bigger muscles because you’ll be training with a higher frequency, and you’ll build your fitness levels because total-body workouts are damn tough. In fact, you’ll probably have to pace yourself during the first few weeks of total-body training if you’ve been on a body part split!

Everything works for a while, and nothing works forever.


I’ve focused on full-body and upper/lower body splits using only compound exercises and very few isolation exercises for the past 4 or 5 years.

You know what happened? I got stronger and bigger and more athletic. But all my size and strength is in the biggest muscle groups (chest, upper back, glutes, upper legs).

My arms, shoulders and calves are lagging far behind! I needed to switch to a split routine in order to help bring these bodyparts up to par with the rest in order to create a well-balanced physique that is asthetically pleasing.

Like CT and Vince Gironda say, “it’s about creating illusions.” And right now, I haven’t created the illusion I want thanks to years of full-body workouts and such.[/quote]

exact reason why im switching to a split routine for awhile
i’ll probaly do a full body 3 day a week routine in jan when Im going to go on the velocity diet to shed the winter coat.

Thurs-running and abs
Sunday- back.

Current split=

Tuesday: Back

Thursday: Legs

Saturday: Chest / Shoulders

Energy systems work on all days off except Sunday.

monday: bench/squat/row

wednesday: squat/deadlift/OHP

friday: arms/powershrugs

Currently, when not running my normal 5x5 or HST setup:

Monday: Quads\Hams
Tuesday: Chest\Bi’s
Wednesday: ABS\Cardio
Thursday: Back\Calves
Friday: Shoulders\Tri’s
Sat and Sun off.

Sunday- GPP or Off
Monday- Front squats, millitary press, power cleans
Tuesday- GPP or Off
Wednesday- Power snatches and OH Squats
Thursday- GPP or Off
Friday- Front sqauts and Clean & Press
Saturday- Assitence work, light to moderate

I lift heavy, 5-12 sets, 2-8 reps depending. I try to add 5 lbs as often as possible to the bar. If I can get over 8 reps, I add weight. That is, unless it’s assistence work.

Usually my rep scheme is 8-6-4 for millitary press, cleans and front squats. I do 10x3 on OH Squats with a few singles tossed on. Assistence day is usually a little arm work, hamstring-emphasis and rotator cuff work.

I am trying to build a strength foundation of Olympic lifting.

[quote]Nate Dogg wrote:
obatiger11 wrote:
Avoids Roids wrote:
Today’s tip comes from Chad Waterbury:

Go Full or Go Home

Total-body workouts beat any split, any day of the week. If you start training all of your major muscle groups every time you go to the gym, you’ll be on the fast track to bigger muscles and higher fitness levels. You’ll build bigger muscles because you’ll be training with a higher frequency, and you’ll build your fitness levels because total-body workouts are damn tough. In fact, you’ll probably have to pace yourself during the first few weeks of total-body training if you’ve been on a body part split!

Everything works for a while, and nothing works forever.


I’ve focused on full-body and upper/lower body splits using only compound exercises and very few isolation exercises for the past 4 or 5 years.

You know what happened? I got stronger and bigger and more athletic. But all my size and strength is in the biggest muscle groups (chest, upper back, glutes, upper legs).

My arms, shoulders and calves are lagging far behind! I needed to switch to a split routine in order to help bring these bodyparts up to par with the rest in order to create a well-balanced physique that is asthetically pleasing.

Like CT and Vince Gironda say, “it’s about creating illusions.” And right now, I haven’t created the illusion I want thanks to years of full-body workouts and such.[/quote]

Agreed. People look kinda funny w/ a barrell chest and scrawny little arms

[quote]obatiger11 wrote:
Agreed. People look kinda funny w/ a barrell chest and scrawny little arms

Yep. That’s me. I have a short torso and look thick in the chest and back…but then I have little stick looking arms and lower legs. Word.