Post-Meltdown routines

Heya T-freques. I plan on continuing Meltdown Training for another two weeks, after which I want to switch to some pure strength training for a while and build my maxes back up. For those of you mofos on Meltdown, what are your plans, or what have you been doing since completing MD? I’m thinking Staley’s “Soviet Peaking Cycle” along with some K-bell work. Whatcha think? Lata.

"MB Eric: Your daily dose of iron, in easy-to-swallow posts since 1666."


how are the result so far with meltdown looking?

Under-bro, Results are phenominal. I lost about 6 pounds of fat and picked up about 5-6 in muscle, last I checked. I’m slowly weaning myself off of the T-dawg diet, but still sticking to low carbs all-around. lata.

"MB Eric: Cuttin' and struttin' since 1943."


I did GVT2k and had pretty great results from it. It was a nice way to slowly build the caloric intake back after meltodown + T-dawg.

Could you tell me if the five pound you gained if pure muscle or water retention ?
Do you look bloated or really ripped ?



Hey, I Have 2 more days of meltdown/T-Dawg then a week off. then on week 6 I start the Get Buffed/Taper Diet for 16 weeks. KraigY

I may not be competing as I had planned, in June, but I’m still going to do the Meltdown Training. Man, I’m VERY curious to see what it’ll do to me!

Just by adding the jump rope on days when I'm not weight training, I can tell that I've already leaned out. I know I was at 11% but now I can see that my BF% has dropped a %. Not much, but I haven't really changed my diet. Wierd, huh? BUT, gonna do this Meltdown Training....

P: "Shit grinnin' eye candy since 1985"- my ode to MBE. ;-)


What are we delving through the MBE archives? As if my current moronicity isn’t enough to handle? The mass I picked up on this romp through Meltdownville was all LBM, I generally don’t retain water (unless I’ve just finished my first gallon of the day and I haven’t been to the bathroom in 7 minutes. On a related rant, I’ve been on MAG-10 for a week and two days having picked up about 7-8 lbs. of LBM + about 1 extra pound of NON-LBM (Eating until you’re ready to puke will do that). Lata.

“MBE: From Monkey to Small Gorilla on MAG-10 since 2002.”
