Meltdown - Post final results here

Well, last week was my LAST week of meltdown. All told, I did it for 7 weeks, five of which had md6 and t2 as a component. I also did the t-dawg diet during this time, with slightly more carbs on some days.

End results, lost 1/2" off my waist, 3/4" off my ass, chest and thighs stayed the same. I lost about 3 pounds of actual weight. The most surprising thing though was the 3/4" I gained in my upper arms. I'm attributing this to the dips and the push/press. I'm very happy with the results I got from Meltdown and give my kudos to Alessi and encourage anyone to try this program if they need to shed some fat!

Do you have any BF% numbers?

Nope, but there was an obvious difference, not to mention I could finally get into some dress clothes the next size down - I had been on the cusp for a while. My guesstimate would be a couple points lost. I was measured at 20% before, and now I’m closer to 17/18%

Well seeing as Akigreg posted his results, here are mine, diet low carb along lines of T-Dawg, 6 weeks including a rest week b4 meltdown, lost 3.6kg (7.92lbs) now 177lbs, 1/2 fat 1/2 muscle, bf went from 19.17% to 17.77% (told you I am a fatty), I lost size everywhere esp arms. Conclusion, I think Meltdown is a good program and have come to conclusion that I need a few more carbs on this type of diet as best results in past were on more moderate p+f diet. I actually ‘peaked’ about week 4. Will I do Meltdown again? Yes but will prob do as 3 weeks after a straight strength 3 week programme like Pavels PTP.

Hey aikigreg, what’s the ‘aiki’ in your
handle from?

Did any of you meltdowners try a cardio-based
fat loss routine at another time? Such as:
weights twice a week, interval cardio several
times a week, easing back on the cals. I
was just wondering if some people might be
better suited to the lactic acid-type fat
loss v. burning extra cals via cardio.

What were your diets like? Calories, carbs, etc. I was thinking about doing 6 weeks meltdown/fat fast, and I’m interested in hearing more. Thanks guys.

The aiki in my name is from Aikido, the martial art. I have indeed tried another weight loss workout that included quite a bit of cardio. Just before meltdown as a matter of fact. I didn’t see the needle on the scale move but I sure some some good fat loss.
My diet has been pretty strict t-dawg, with a few extra carbs during the day coming from oatmeal to wake up and a ton of veggies.

You guys make me feel lean.

Good work guys…thats some pretty good progress right there. I don’t mean to sound dicouraging or anything, but it seems like with very good dies , The body fat should fly off in 6-8 weeks of this program.How were your diets guys tight or no?Restricted cals? Thanks Mike

Sorry for not replying earlier, been away on school camp with the kids for 3 days ,so there goes any fat I’d lost on Meltdown. Meltdown Diet was pretty tight except for Sat 3-7 when I would eat whatever. Was restricted cals and a thermo booster. It is similar to other diet startegies I have used in past and found lost almost eaqual amounts of fat and muscle hence reference to personally needing a few more carbs to retain muscle. There was a reply to a post about jump rope work where jman (who works with Alessi) said to do 1 min fast (a la 400m run) then rest 3 mins rather than moderate 3 min type I did, will try that next time.