Hey guyz, advice is needed. I’m a 40 year old in NYC and suffered a MINOR pec tear back in the early summer which has healed to the point where my ortho surgeon says I can go back to the gym. I’m 5’10", 197 lbs at @18% bodyfat. I was previously doing a routine of working out (lifting) 3-4 days and 1/2 hour cardio on the alternating days. I want to get my strength/size back up and shred down to @10%BF. Any suggestions on workout routines and Biotest supplementation protocols would be GREATLY appreciated.
Have been chomping at the bit to try MAG-10, but would this be premature as I get back into working out? My previous lifts, to give an example, for flat bench usually ended up with 5-8 strict reps at 245-255, after pyramiding 6 or so sets. Getting back into things seems like a confusing sea of options at this point. Any help or advice would be appreciated. Peace