I did a pull workout a couple of days ago. Did not go heavy or do high volume. Workout felt fine all the way through.
The next day I noticed a bruise exactly where my pectoral muscles connect to the bone right by my armpit. It’s wierd because there is no pain, I have full range of movement, etc.
I am slightly concerned because I tore my superspinatus muscle a couple years ago, and the bruise looks very similar to that (althought that one showed up in a different area.)
I’m 33 - no spry chicken by bodybuilding standards. I know I need to pay attention to the signs my body gives me. I don’t want to go into the gym tomorrow for my schedules push day and fully tear my pec because I ignored this little thing.
Thanks guys. I’ve only posted here once before but I got a detailed and very useful answer, so I figure you guys know what you’re talking about.
Is this thing normal, nothing to worry about, or should I take it easy for a while?
Take it easy and monitor. Sounds stupid but are you sure thats not bruising from impact? Maybe from your chest/shoulder being pushed up against a chest pad on a seated row for example, as you noticed it after a pull W/O.
And yes, I’m sure it’s not an impact bruise. I racked my brain trying to think if I could have accidentally hit something recently. I did not.
I have taken two days off. Tomorrow I will do my push day as scheduled, but I’ll start lower on the weights and monitor how it goes.
I felt kind of dumb even posting that, but like I said, I tore my superspinatus muscle with the same symptoms two years ago. I ignored that and it resulted in a partial tear and my PT ordering 6 weeks of no upper body movements. Can’t be too careful!