Vegita wrote:
Either certain physical standards mean something for particular professions or they just serve as a means to discriminate in the hiring process. If they are important and not just a means for discrimination then why even bother letting anyone be cops if they cannot meet those “minimum” required standards at all?
I mean, I do not want my child’s safety to be threatened because some wannabe cop cannot do 32 push-ups. Think of the children!!
These tests are stuipid anyways, when was the last time a cop dropped and did 32 pushups during a traffic stop? During a robbery? I mean come one. Test them on shooting, tackling, and wrestling. Take a 250 pund dude and have people chase his ass down, tackle him and confine him. Pretty simple, either you can or you can’t oh year and he isn’t playing he can turn around and punch you in the face, kick you whatever. I’d like to see how many women even take that test let alone pass it.
Even better, do a deal with a local crackhead, one a week he gets do do supervised crack session with no penalty, the only stipulation is that cops are gonna be trying to detain him and he has to fight back. So you get to wrestle a real live crackhead. It’s simple, you win, you can be on the force. He stabs your eye out with his dirty fingernail, you lose and go home. Oh and you get to have a glass eye too.
Dude! When have you ever seen a 250 lb crackhead? Besides, it isn’t the crackheads that need to be policed.
The physical standards need to be even toughter: No less than 100 pushups; a 5 minute mile for 2 full miles; and the ability to lift at least 200 lbs overhead 1 time. Or not. I really don’t care.[/quote]
Come on now, I didn’t say a 250 Lb Crackhead, a burglar, a rapist, a bank robber, a gang member, all of these could potentially be a big athletic 250lb + male with a bad attitude. Cops should be able to take someone of this stature down and control them. I don’t care if it’s an 80 Lb old lady, if she can get the guy down, and restrain him, she is qualified. Now thats never gonna happen, which is my point. Do you even realize we are in agreement? I think police should be tested based on the extreme physical activities of thier job, and like I said before, I have never seen a cop do a pushup or pullup during a traffic stop, or a high speed chase.