[quote]MeinHerzBrennt wrote:
clip11 wrote:
Im not here bashing a certain group. But why has pc run amok today? For instance, many fire and police departments when recruiting constantly hold women to lower standards, yet they want the same job with the same pay and benefits.
An example is this, a man having to complete 32 pushups but a woman having to complete 7. But if you have a man who only does 31 pushups, and a woman who can do just 7, doesnt the man deserved to be hired more?
If men and women are equal in every way as political correctness would have everyone to believe, why are physical fitness standards lowered to accomodate a certain group.
You lower the standards for women to get into these jobs, yet if you pay them less than a man they want to bitch and moan. When they should be thanking God that some politically correct moron lowered the standard so they could get in in the first place. A long time ago, pullups used to be part of the fitness test, but owing to the fact that most women cant do pullups, it was dropped from the test.
If everyone is so equal, why lower the standards? Why cant the group who wants to be seen as equal raise to the standards already set.
When women say they want to be treated equally, it is usually in reference to an equal opportunity in obtaining jobs that traditionally men have only been able to acquire.
I don’t think political correctness is trying to say that men and women are, in fact, equal in every way. There are obvious differences in a woman’s ability to perform physical tasks compared to a man for obvious reasons. But there really isn’t any reason to prevent women from joining, say, police forces. However this is exactly what happens when you don’t have two separate standards - women inevitably fail every time.
Unless the employer can show that the particular physical fitness requirements are closely enough related to actual job performance, then the standards have to be “equalized” in order for women to have an equal chance at being hired.
Conversely, if the requirements can be shown to be so closely related to actual job performance, then the employer probably doesn’t have to create two separate standards.[/quote]
The point being made is that there are jobs where you do require a certain level of fitness and strength to be able to deal with the eventualities that are likely to occur, fire fighting, army, certain police positions etc. By lowering these standards to enable average women to get these jobs you are reducing the effectiveness of the service, endangering civilians and endangering the colleagues who have to work alongside the weakling.
The entry standard should be the same for all. That may mean that women who want these positions have to try harder and train longer to achieve the pass standard - tough shit.
Firebug is a female firefighter I wonder if she has achieved the male physical entry requirements?