Just wondering what everybody’s opinion is.
Hopefully there can be an intelligent debate on this. I have always strongly disagreed with it and I’m continually baffled on how it can be justified.
The reason I bring this up is that yesterday my law class had a presentation from a RCMP officer. She mentioned in passing while talking about recruiting that if you were a white male you would have a hard time getting accepted. So then I ask her directly that if in a hypothetical situation me(white/male) and lets say a Chinese female had the exact same credentials(test scores,background check,fitness ect…) who would get in. Obviously she said the minority would and that even if I surpassed her in areas she could still potentially get the job over me.
Another area I find disturbing is the differences in physical requirements. Females standards are much lower than the male standards. I have absolutely no problem with women being cops as long as everyone is judged in the same manner. They are both doing the exact same job!! How come a women only has to do 6 chins whereas a guy has to do 12?