I have been doing SL 5x5 and for awhile have been doing 3x5 for my bench and hop because 5x5 was too much for me and had to deload. I have been stuck at 165 touch and go (standard) bench press for a few weeks now. I want to now do pause reps because I am weak off my chest. Note, I weigh 170 Lbs if that’s of any use.
I was looking at several articles that Greg Nuckols wrote about increasing work capacity, tips for novice strength trainers and he suggests to follow the following program when you plateu: deload by 10% and build back up by proceeding from 5x8 to 6x5 to 7x3. I actually tried to do 140 8 paused on Saturday and was only able to get 7 reps in (it may have to do with not eating that much carbs or anything prior). I dropped to 135 an consistently got 8,7,6,6. What should I do now? 38 instead or simply decrease from 135 to 125? According to Should I also do DB work as my secondary work? If so, should I do DB press, incline DB press,DB flies, decline DB press and for how many sets/reps and how often/what days?
In terms of OHP, as you guys know, is very hard to increase. I got up to 130lb where I did 5,4, and then 3 reps following 3.5-4min rests in between. This was my first try and SL gives you three tries before you have to deload. Should I also follow the 5x8 or should I do something like 3x8?
BB bent over row: I just completed 170 5x5 after three attempts and am now off to 175. I don’t know if should change anything for this yet.