Plastics and Estrogen

As always, I’ve found Charles Poliquin’s Question of Strength extremely informative. In reading I became concerned about my constant use of plastic containers in transporting food and further heating at work (like my chicken and broccoli meals for example).

Does anyone have any further knowledge on the subject? Also I was wondering if reusing the same plastic container would be better or worse. For example, after one microwaved meal, who I already experience the estrogenic effect and therefore me okay with future usage of my tupperware containers? Any info is much appreciated.

Take a look at this John Williams interview by Mike Roussell

also, here’s an older article by Cy:

I’m interested too. If you were really concerned couldn’t you use a drug that would fill the estrogen receptors with a very weak estrogen?

Buy Pyrex bowls with plastic lids. When heating the food, just remove the plastic lid and cover the bowl with a paper towel.

Now If I can just find another stainless steel coffee mug that is stainless on the INSIDE too.

[quote]4est wrote:

Now If I can just find another stainless steel coffee mug that is stainless on the INSIDE too.[/quote]

I use this one. It’s a french press, so I never have to be without fresh coffee. (I am pretty picky about my coffee since I started roasting my own beans.)

It also comes with a regular lid, if you don’t want to use as a french press.

[quote]christine wrote:
4est wrote:

Now If I can just find another stainless steel coffee mug that is stainless on the INSIDE too.

I use this one. It’s a french press, so I never have to be without fresh coffee. (I am pretty picky about my coffee since I started roasting my own beans.)

It also comes with a regular lid, if you don’t want to use as a french press.[/quote]

Now THAT is spiffy! An SS mug can cost $20, but this one is a press too!

I can’t remember what article it was a read a while ago here, but it said that the estrogen effects of plastic only happen when the food inside is really hot (I think it said boiling actually). Am I remembering correctly? If so, would it then be ok to just put warm food in a plastic container and store it in the fridge that way?

There are estrogens nearly damm everywhere,

I think the best solution is an estrogen blocker , on top of avoiding all the isoflavone rich foods (soy , and other stuff , mostly soy) plastics(you drink water of them , the best solution is a home water coolant)
“products” (skin care and other stuff that makes you a pseudofag like levander and tee tree oil , and use a bland soap for washing)
lundery softeners (high in xeno estrogens)

yeah , a lot of stuff there makes you think theres a liberal conspiracy to make people weak and stupid because high-test people are the jocks that beat the shit out of them in highschool. take an anti E and eat foods rich in anti Es like brocoli . it’s the best option IMO.

I’ve switched over from a plastic waterbottle I’ve had for years to a glass mason jar for drinking water at work. We’ll see if I notice any difference.

[quote]emonkeh wrote:
yeah , a lot of stuff there makes you think theres a liberal conspiracy to make people weak and stupid because high-test people are the jocks that beat the shit out of them in highschool. .[/quote]

If we want to make another ridiculous statement as this one, we could say that this is a conservative conspiracy.

After all, to get rid of all that plastic would be anti-business, throw a wrench in the wheels of capitalism, etc. Come on, can’t we talk about this seriously instead of framing it in liberal vs conservative terms? Obviously, if these claims about plastic are true, we are all up shit creek.

It’s a government conspiracy. Weak and feminine males do not revolt. In fact, one trait of femininity is to tend to look to the government as a protector rather than a thug.

[quote]uberswank wrote:
It’s a government conspiracy. Weak and feminine males do not revolt. In fact, one trait of femininity is to tend to look to the government as a protector rather than a thug.

I’ve got nothing against a good revolt by the way. But, how are you going to fix it? Yeah, we can do our best to cut out plastic on a personal level, but
try as we might plastic and pesticides are ubiquitous. Pesticides and plastics are putting a lot of money into certain people’s pockets. They will hire “experts” to report that those against plastic are conspiracy nuts and malinformed. Better believe that an anti-liberal network like FOX would frame all the anti-plastic people are just a bunch of LIBERAL, California tree huggers who are exaggerating.

Anyway, I agree with you that we need to revolt in some way against this. But it is wrong to say that it is a Liberal Agenda. Although I dont consider myself a liberal (you probably would though) I am Left-oriented. My point is that I agree with you EXCEPT when you try to turn this into a LIBERAL vs. CONSERVATIVE issue.

[quote]entheogens wrote:
EXCEPT when you try to turn this into a LIBERAL vs. CONSERVATIVE issue. [/quote]

Ha, there isn’t a dimes worth of difference between the two. They have both drank massive quantities of “big-government solution to all our problems” koolaid. They just have different pet peeves.

In the end, the herd will listen to their TV and the best you can do is to “ride the tiger” Baron Evola style and hopefully western consumerism will burn itself out before long.