Hi guys would just like some thoughts and opinions on the cycle I’m thinking about starting in the upcoming weeks.
I’ve currently been on a natural bulk and have hit the weight that I was looking to get to which is 92kg and I’m struggling to put on more size so thinking of jumping on a cycle.
I’ve done 2 cycles before being just Test E and Dbol and a Test E, Deca and Anadrol cycle both with worked out good and all went well and finished with a full pct.
For my next cycle I’m thinking about ramping it up abit to try and get a better physique because I’m confident in my diet and training.
I’m looking to take : Week 1-6
Test Cyp - 250mg
Primobolan - 400mg
Week 6-10
Test cyp -300mg
Primobolan- 500mg
Npp- 200mg
Week 10-16
Test cyp- 350mg
Primobolan- 550mg
Npp- 300mg
I will run this with an ai like arimidex on hand in case of gyno or estrogenic flare ups but don’t want to take straight away if not needed because I know estrogen is a factor of helping build good muscle as long as it’s controlled and I know primobolan has anti estrogenic property’s also.
I will also throw in caber at 0.5mg a week while on Npp to stop and prolactin side effects.
I am going to get my bloods done before, during and after cycle to check my hormone levels are in check.
3 weeks After my cycle I’m going to start my pct with nolva and clomid to try and kickstart my natural testosterone back into action.
I would like to know anyones thoughts and opinions on my cycle and if I should change/ take away or add anything into it.
Also if anyone thinks I should take hcg throughout my cycle and after I come off aswell?
If anyone has any supplements they recommend for me to take to support my kidneys, liver and heart whilst on cycle would be much appreciated.
Thank you for your time and thoughts.