Cycle Opinions

Hey everyone, I’m new here and just looking for some opinions.

I’m 19 years old, been training for almost 2 years now.
I did a cycle of test e, dbol and anadrol a year ago then got a gf and kinda let myself slip, but now that shes gone I gotta impress again aha.

So i got my hands on 2 vials of test e 200mg/ml, 1 Methanolone (primobolan) 100mg/ml, 100 pills of Oxandrolone (Anavar) 25mg, and 100 pills of Dianabol (dbol) 20mg.

I’m 5’9 165lbs now with 16% bf, 8 months ago at the end of my first cycle I was 190 with 9%, hoping to get back to where I was or even better.

I don’t know much about planning cycles but I was thinking that I could use the test and dbol in the beginning to bulk then use the primo and anavar in the end to lower the bf%.

Week 1-10 Test e, pinning twice a week. 400mg/week
1-4 dbol 60mg/day (not sure if to high of a dose)
10-14 anavar 50mg/day
12-14 primo, pinnig twice a week 200mg/week (or once a week, not sure what would be better).

As far as PCT goes I’m getting mixed answers, some people say all you need is chlomid and nova, and other people say its a stupid noobie thing to do.

Any input you guys have would be greatly appreciated. Rather not kill myself haha

Let’s see

Not 25 or older, so still in prime natural T production
165 lbs
PCT is “a stupid noobie thing to do”
Has not been working out consistently
No mention of nutritional info

Sounds like you’re ready.

You aren’t going to get any solid answers or recomendations from anyone here. It is very obvious that you haven’t done any research. I would advise that you learn a lot more about the subject before you potentially ruin your natural hormone production for the rest of your life. Read the sticky’s. Go to other sites, read those sticky’s. Lift stuff, eat twice what you are now, come back in 5 years.

I’m aware of the natural test production.
used to workout, now I know I’m not stopping again,
diet is all worked out, hence why I didn’t ask opinions for diet,
i meant chlomid and nova being stupid and should use something better, i know the importance of a pct.

sorry that i worded everything wrong apparnetly

I’d be interested to hear what is so stupid about clomid and nolva?

I’ve just read up on pcts and seen a few threads where people say they are gonna do chlomid and nova and they get shot down because they aren’t strong enough and they say to use Aromisin, arimidex. something stronger

I don’t know what forums you’ve been reading but I strongly suggest you do not ever read those boards again. I’d love to see the state of the guys doing “stronger” PCTs with arimidex instead of SERMs. Lol.

You MUST do either clomid, nolva or a combination of the two. You have lots of research still to do.

And it’s “clomid” and “nolva”. Watch out because there’s crap products out there with similar names that are not the same thing and will not work.

my last cycle i just ran

Week 1 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
2 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
3 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
4 20mg Nolva ED

starting that 2 weeks after my last injection.
your saying that’s good enough?

[quote]rds63799 wrote:
I don’t know what forums you’ve been reading but I strongly suggest you do not ever read those boards again. I’d love to see the state of the guys doing “stronger” PCTs with arimidex instead of SERMs. Lol.

Dude you would be surprised at how bad some of the boards are out there. Ever been to Meso? They have some of the dumbest members of any board I’ve ever seen–it amazes me that Bill Roberts continues to associate himself with that site. 95% of the members should be researched as the missing link between us and primates.

[quote]B-Ridge wrote:
my last cycle i just ran

Week 1 100mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
2 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
3 50mg Clomid / 20mg Nolva ED
4 20mg Nolva ED

starting that 2 weeks after my last injection.
your saying that’s good enough?[/quote]

that’ll be fine, although I would personally run the clomid at 50mg during the 4th week too.

[quote]VTBalla34 wrote:

[quote]rds63799 wrote:
I don’t know what forums you’ve been reading but I strongly suggest you do not ever read those boards again. I’d love to see the state of the guys doing “stronger” PCTs with arimidex instead of SERMs. Lol.

Dude you would be surprised at how bad some of the boards are out there. Ever been to Meso? They have some of the dumbest members of any board I’ve ever seen–it amazes me that Bill Roberts continues to associate himself with that site. 95% of the members should be researched as the missing link between us and primates.[/quote]

I’m quite surprised by that, I thought it looked ok although now I think about it I only ever read the stuff Bill Roberts posts and ignore everything else…

…and that primates shout made me lol

Thanks a lot rds:)

Aside from your age and lack of experience, 16% “internet body” fat probably isn’t a good starting point, particularly for someone that hasn’t much of a clue wrt aromatase inhibitors. Better to spend a bit of time dropping fat first and then run your cycle if you insist.

While you want a SERM during PCT, you should be using arimidex or another AI while ON cycle. Even a moderate dose of test along with dbol is going to bump your E2, even more so when you’re carrying extra fat. A 14 wk cycle where you satisfy your ego for a few weeks by bulking into a bloated mass monster that everyone knows is juice-created. and then cutting, just isn’t the best approach. Better to keep your eating under control and focus on intelligent body recomposition and…somewhat sustainable gains.

I think I’ll be ok with out an ai cause my last cycle I didnt use one and I ran 500mg a week of teste and 100mg of anadrol a day then 50mg of dbol at the end.

And what would be a good bf% to start at then?