I’ve recently experimented with a powerlifting style bench press. My form isn’t great so if I decide to continue with it ill have to perfect that. My question is should I bench this way? My goal is to just get as big and strong as possible and I hope to do a PL meet at some point. I guess I’m just wondering about the pros and cons of this style of benching as opposed to the “regular” style.
so you want to do a powerlifting meet, and you are wondering if you should bench like a powerlifter?
kinda sounds like you’ve answered your own question…
I would like to do a meet eventually, but my training has been derailed due to health issues so it will be some time. I guess I’m curious as to the pros and cons of each style
Not sure about the arch but tucking the elbows and using a slightly closer grip has brought up my arms/triceps a lot and is much easier on my shoulders
Thanks rampant badger, I’ve heard it’s a bit easier on the shoulders. It’s nice to here people’s personal experiences though. Did you notice a marked increase in the weight you could lift when you switched to a PL style?
[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
Not sure about the arch but tucking the elbows and using a slightly closer grip has brought up my arms/triceps a lot and is much easier on my shoulders[/quote]
I changed my form to that because it was much easier on my shoulders. I also noticed big dividends on my arms. That’s about as far as my form goes to PL form.
The only downside of a powerlifting style bench is it’s not as good for bodybuilding chest development. It is safer and stronger than any other style.
[quote]bulkNcut wrote:
Thanks rampant badger, I’ve heard it’s a bit easier on the shoulders. It’s nice to here people’s personal experiences though. Did you notice a marked increase in the weight you could lift when you switched to a PL style? [/quote]
Initially there was a small dip in strength but after that has lead to a steady increase in numbers especially as I could handle more volume without pissing off my shoulders
[quote]RampantBadger wrote:
[quote]bulkNcut wrote:
Thanks rampant badger, I’ve heard it’s a bit easier on the shoulders. It’s nice to here people’s personal experiences though. Did you notice a marked increase in the weight you could lift when you switched to a PL style? [/quote]
Initially there was a small dip in strength but after that has lead to a steady increase in numbers especially as I could handle more volume without pissing off my shoulders[/quote]
Pretty much that.
[quote]bulkNcut wrote:
I’ve recently experimented with a powerlifting style bench press. My form isn’t great so if I decide to continue with it ill have to perfect that. My question is should I bench this way? My goal is to just get as big and strong as possible and I hope to do a PL meet at some point. I guess I’m just wondering about the pros and cons of this style of benching as opposed to the “regular” style. [/quote]
Once you really master the nuances of the powerlifting style, I would say you could get an extra 40 lbs compared to a “regular” style. It’s an incredibly technical lift and takes a lot of practice. Obviously if you plan to compete you need as much practice as possible.
But I wouldn’t dismiss it for bodybuilding purposes. The more weight you use the bigger you will get. I’ve never seen a guy who can bench 400+ with a small chest, regardless of what style he uses.
Thanks for the helps guys. Yeah I really need to nail down my technique, maybe I’ll throw up a video in the PL section for a form check. I’ve been watching some of dave tates videos on how to bench press
[quote]csulli wrote:
The only downside of a powerlifting style bench is it’s not as good for bodybuilding chest development. It is safer and stronger than any other style.[/quote]
Yeah thats why powerlifters have really small chests. Agree bro
[quote]Widowmakr1 wrote:
[quote]csulli wrote:
The only downside of a powerlifting style bench is it’s not as good for bodybuilding chest development. It is safer and stronger than any other style.[/quote]
Yeah thats why powerlifters have really small chests. Agree bro[/quote]
You tryin to disagree of just bein weird?