Currently 236 lbs minor back injury, I got slopy on a heavy dead and i’m paying for it. But before the muscle pull (middle center of back, left side of spine.), bench was 385, squat was 495, and dead was 645. Not maxing out on any of them.
I’m still going!
I’m using a ton of icy hot and rubbing my back down daily, trying to get it back in time.
[quote]utahpower242 wrote:
Its July 22nd. Is anyone going besides me?
Currently 236 lbs minor back injury, I got slopy on a heavy dead and i’m paying for it. But before the muscle pull (middle center of back, left side of spine.), bench was 385, squat was 495, and dead was 645. Not maxing out on any of them.
I’m still going!
I’m using a ton of icy hot and rubbing my back down daily, trying to get it back in time.
Wish me luck.
Hey man, good luck at that meet. Where is it by the way?
Take care of your back, it may be a good excuse to back off for a bit prior to the meet.
If you are 100%, what do you think your attempts will be?
Dude, what are you 6 feet tall with a 100 inch wingspan? 385 bench, 495 squat and a f’n 645 deadlift?!?!?! Either you are built incredibly well for deadlifting or your squat technique could use some work.
In any case, those are some big numbers and I am sure the meet will go great for you.
good luck man your an animal! i actually just won my state competition on the 9th, missed the state record dead though. Granted im 17 and weigh 150 lbs. i did pretty good. Im a lazy shit thogh who didnt wanna sweat 2 lbs to shatter 148 class. lol you using any equipment on your lifts? regardless your inhuman