Pitt Force Clusters?

Hi coach, what is your stance about Pitt force training clusters?

Goal: hypertrophy.
Weight used: about 8-10 RM.
Exercise selection: big multi-joint exercises.
Rest between reps: 15-ish seconds between single reps.
Total reps performed: to technical failure, typically 15-20 reps.

Only one set per exercise Is performed, and only one exercise per muscle group is performed.

Itā€™s not something that I would personally use. Not because itā€™s not gonna be effective but because I would personally lose focus and motivation because the set would take too much time.

I would much rather use a rest/pause or myo-reps approach for pretty much the same (or better) results.

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Nice, I think Iā€™ll give it a shot for some exercises just because (to me, according do my phycological profile) it looks funny.

Do you think it makes sense just in terms of muscle-building physiology?

If you go to, or close to failure, sure.

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