And by “Chainsaws” I meant “DB Rows” because thats what normal people call them.
Triangle Drills- 3x each variation
Starts(Right & Left handed)- 5 @ 15-20 yards
Overhead Carries
3x1min/1min rest
(Pressed for time/Done with minimal rest)
1a) Cross-body Mountain climbers- 3x30 each leg
1b) Med ball Slams- 3x10
1c) Skipping Jerk & Press- 3x12 @ 95lbs (Thinking I might do this for time next time instead of reps and use less weight)
2a) Kettlebell Swing 3x20 @ 50lbs
2b) Lat raises 3x5 @ 40lbs
2c) Depth Broad Jumps 3x5
3a) Push up Line-hops 3x12
3b) Jumping Wide-Grip Pull ups- 3x5
3c) Calf Raises 3x60 @ 200lbs
On another note, how awful are fundraiser spaghetti dinners? Watery pasta, watery meat sauce, stale dinner rolls, and cheap cookies. Or is that just in my neck of the woods?
Sprints- Build ups 100 yards
PM(pressed for time again about 1hr total)
Deadlift ABC chart @ 560 (about 20-30min)
135x7, 365x5, 425x3, 475x1, 530x1, 530x1, 530x1, 530x1
Assistance (About 20 min)
1a) Military- 185x5, 195x5
1b) Chin ups- BWx6, BWx6
2a) DB Incline- 75x10, 75x10
2b) Standing DB Military- 55x8, 65x8
Power Runner (Like a prowler, but stationary)
70lbs on each leg, 3 sets of 30on/30off/30on/30off/30on
Forgot to do this over the weekend but here’s a 65% deadlift video 365x5
Back starts to round a little towards the end of the set, probably from looking to my left in the mirror to check for rounding. (A little counter intuitive)
Definitely feel that my form form is coming around a bit better. I dont have access to a foam roller, yes I know I could buy one for ~$30, but I’ve been using a med ball on glutes and hips. Haven’t really been able to apply much soft tissue work to hamstrings though I’d like to.
On a personal note, I’ll be making a move to the Portland, Maine region on November 25th. I hope to join a better gym (Dyna-Maxx in Westbrook, ME) when I get there. Very excited for that, but I’ll be mildly distracted by a career search though it won’t be much different than my current situation. In reference to the gym, I’m excited to make use of the powerlifting and strongman equipment advertised on the website.
Anyways, while I’m still in NY my morning sprints might be cut a bit short as we’ve got some snow on the ground. My current plan is to go with a Cosgrove Complex on mornings when running is a no-go.
Anyways I felt like I’d only been posting workouts with percentages and numbers, so I thought I’d open up with a little human interaction.
Form looks alot better. Portland ahah what takes you out there, the only knowledge I have of Portland is from portlandia aha.
My girlfriend and I graduated about a year and a half ago and we’ve had temporary jobs looking for something that we could make a career out of. She got a job up in Portland, where she’s from, so we’ll be moving back there and I’ll be stuck looking for something I can turn into a career.
Woke up.
Saw snow.
Said, “No.”
Back to bed I go.
As I alluded to earlier I think I’ll do a complex in my garage when similar situations arise in the future.
Squat- Up/Down Chart @ 500lbs
135lbs-70%-80%-90%-95%-100%-90%-80%-70% (I added a warm-up set though after 135)
135x7, 225x7, 350x5, 400x3, 450x2, 475x1, 500x1, 450x2, 400x3, 350x5
As I said, I felt a jump of 135 to 350 was a bit much so I threw in an additional warm-up.
Also narrowed my squat during the 5, 3, and 2 rep sets. Felt good to include the quads a little bit more as I’ve been a predominantly hip-powered squatter for a while now. I think I’ll continue to play with it and see if I can’t become a little more comfortable with the narrower stance.
1a)Leg Curls-165x6, 180x6
1b)Step-ups w/ 12lbs Medball OH- 2sets of 12
2a)Bench Press-225x10, 255x15
2b)Neutral Pull-ups- BWx6, BWx6
3a)Alt DB Curl- 30x12, 35x12
3b)BW Skullcrushers- BWx15, BWx15
4a)Lat Raise-20x12
4b)Rear Delt-12x12
More snow and colder
Cosgrove complex
1a) Power push ups 2x10
1b) Power BW Row 2x10
2a) Landmine clean to press 3x70, 3x90
2b) Depth Jumps 2x5
3a) Single leg hip thrust 2x12
3b) 12 inch depth calf jumps 2x5
- Leaper squats 3x200, 3x225, 3x225
Cosgrove complex @150lbs
Need to stretch a little more upper body in the morning. Feeling shoulder tightness today.
Power Clean-Push Press
Up/Down Chart @ 250
135x7, 175x5, 200x3, 225x2, 240x1, 250x1, 225x2, 200x3, 175x5
Up sets were dragging but Down sets felt much easier
1a) RDL-205x8, 215x8, 225x8
1b) Front Squat- 175x6, 200x6, 230x6
2a) Bentover Row- 210x5, 225x5
2b) SGHP- 225x5, 245x5
3a) Dips- BW+25x12, BW+25x12
3b) DB Rows- 75x12, 75x12
4a) DB Hammer Curls- 30x12, 40x12
4b) BW Skullcrushers- 15, 15
6x100 yards/ 30sec rest
3x60sec/ 60sec rest @ 150lbs
Warm up:
A) Skipping Jerk Press @45lbs- 30, 20, 10 reps
B) Band press down - 30, 20, 10
1a) Push up line hop- 2sets of 10
1b) Jumping Pull ups- 2 sets of 5
2a) Kettle bell swings @ 50lbs- 2 sets of 25
2b) Med ball slam @ 12 lbs- 2 sets of 10
3a) 4-way Hip- 2x10
3b) Calf Raise- 2x15 wide, 2x15 narrow
10x50yards/ 30sec rest
Deadlift- Up/Down @ 560lbs
135x7, 390x5, 450x3, 505x2, 530x1, 560x1, 505x2, 450x3, 390x5
1a)Military- 185x5, 200x5
1b)Chin up- BWx6, BWx7
2a)Hip Thrusts- 185x8, 205x8
2b)Bulgarian Squats- 60x6, 75x6
Felt very tight in the hips so I just did a dynamic warm up and 1 100yard sprint. Everything felt a little off all day.
Squat- 62%+ @500lbs (Add 10lbs to 62% Chart up to top set)
320x7, 350x5, 400x3, 435x1, 470x1, 485x1
1a)Leg Curls-Felt a cramp in my high calf behind knee @ 195. Waited and did some rolling and tried lighter weight and still had tightness/cramping.
1b)Step ups with 12lbs Med Ball OH- 12, 12
2a)Neutral Pull ups- BWx6, BWx7
2b)Bench Press- 225x10, 260x15
3a)Alt DB Curl- 30x12, 35x12
3b)BW Skullcrushers- BWx15, BWx15
4a)Lat Raise- 20x12, 20x12
4b)Rear Delt- 12x12, 12x12
I’m thinking tomorrow will be less lower body plyo and more stretching and rolling.
Just did another dynamic warm up similar to yesterday with some additional static stretching for my hamstrings and calves trying to loosen those out. Followed that out with some pin rolling on the calf/lower hamstring
Took it easy all around.
I work in a school and the winter weightlifting began this week so I may spend my last week showing some of the students how to do exercises properly and use this as a “back off” week.
1a) Power pushups- 2 sets of 10
1b) Jumping Pull ups- 2 sets of 5
2a) Depth Jumps- 4 sets of 5
2b) Standing Calf Raises- 4 sets of 12 @ 250 with a very slow eccentric
Finished off with lots of calf stretching and rolling.
I honestly haven’t decided what I’ll do tomorrow. Its all depending on how it feels.
Warm up and stretch
Power clean-Push press- 62%+ @250lbs
160x7, 175x5, 200x3, 215x1, 235x1, 245x1
1a)Front squat- 205x6, 225x6, 275x6
1b)RDL- 205x8, 225x8, 245x8
2a)BW Dips- 6 sets of 12
2b)BW Chin ups- 6 sets of 6
Warm up and stretch
150lbs OH Carry 3x1min/1min rest
1a)Leaper Squats- 3 sets of 5 reps @270lbs
1b)Standing Calf Raise- 3 sets of 15 @ 270lbs
2a)Single Leg Hip Thrust- 3 sets of 12
2b)Push up Line hops- 3 sets of 10
Took a rest day
Cosgrove complex @150lbs
Decided to have Arms day sooo…
1a)Alt Bicep Curl- 30x12, 40x8, 50x6 (Each arm)
1b)Single Arm Ext- 40x12, 50x8, 60x8
2a)Straight Bar Curl- 95x12, 105x10, 125x8, 135x4
2b)Close Grip Bench- 225x12, 245x12, 265x8, 275x8
3a)Incline DB Curl- 30x10, 30x10, 30x10
3b)BW Skullcrushers- BWx15, BWx15, BWx15
Going to be a few days until I get settled in at the new place in Maine with interviews, Thanksgiving, and moving in. Should be fun. Can’t wait to pick back up at the new gym.
Been a little busy with working, working out, and trying to find better work and haven’t had much of an opportunity to post on here, but I have a little down time so I figured I’d do a quick update.
Jumped in mid-phase with a group at the new gym doing some version of Cube Method training. I have no prior experience with this, but I find that the back-off days (Speed/Volume) are a nice change of pace from what I’ve been accustomed to my entire life. Current splits are as follows:
Deadlift variations
Lowerbody/Back accesory(Light)
Bench variations
Triceps/Back accesory(Heavy)
Thursday or Friday-
Squat variations
Lowerbody accessory
OHP and Bentover Row(Volume)
Various pressing and rowing(Volume)
Target weakness
-I usually add power cleans for volume
Anyways to give an idea…yesterday was deadlift for volume; which this week meant 6 sets of 4 reps(sets and reps have been slowly inversed towards lower reps/more weight over the weeks)
135x10, 225x8, 315x6, 405x4, 495x4, 495x4, 495x4, 495x4, 495x4, 495x4
Deadlift from 4inch blocks
405x6, 405x4
Deficit deadlift from 4 inch block
315x8, 315x10
1a)Bulgarian squat
65x15, 65x15, 65x15
1b)Wide grip Pulldown
230x6, 230x6, 230x6
2a)Reverse hyperextension
BWx15, BWx15, BWx15
2b)Supported rows
135x12, 135x12, 135x12
3a)Hip Bridges w/ 5sec hold
BWx10, BWx10, BWx10
3b)Ab Wheel
15, 15, 15