Never done a public log before, but I’m about to start on a new program next Monday so I thought I’d get a log started.
I’ve been reestablishing some strength for the past 4 weeks after 6 months out of the weightroom. I’ll be using this week to establish a few maxes which I’ll work off of in the coming weeks.
A little history: I’ve spent the past 12 years using a variety of training strategies for football. My foundation would best be categorized as powerlifting with hang-variation Olympic lifts sprinkled in.
My upcoming program is a blend of a lot of concepts that may become more apparent as I complete the logs. It will resemble something like what follows:
To give you an idea of where I’m at now I’ll include a few current stats and maxes established within the past week (deadlift max to be established Friday):
270-290 haven’t weighed myself in the past 12 months
PwrClean-PushPress - 250lbs
Mile: 7:05 (felt like finding out last Friday morning)
I’ll gladly accept any criticism of the program (imbalances, too much clutter, etc.)
Finally, a picture of today’s 500lbs squat with 2 questions:
1)I’m not sure how I feel about my depth. Opinions?
2)Whose butt is better? My girlfriend’s or mine?
585lbs deadlift from yesterday. A few points I noticed:
Need to keep the bar into my shins
Need to keep my hips down
Need to work on hip/glute/hamstring flexibility/mobility in order to maintain proper alignment
Anything else?
I think I’ll use a max about 20lbs less than this for my Deadlift days until I can clean up my form.
At least I know I have the power in my legs to drive it. Just need to maintain tight form.
Thanks, first time ever video taping myself lifting and it’s been about 5 years since I’ve had any hands on instruction. I’m kind of embarrassed by some of the bad habits I’ve developed. Won’t take long to clean up most things.
Yeah your at a good strength level, the way I learned to dead was strictly for pl. Feet in tight hips not 2 low but not high arms in tigh against body, bar over feet centre or heels, keep lower back straight clench jaw and lift. I re watched the vid yeah your buts gotta get lower,
Never really been coached on power cleans or push presses so I was wondering if I could get some insight if anyone feels up to it. First time ever video taping this movement as well.
Carries- 3x1min/1min rest Overhead Carries w/ 150lbs (These were turrible)
1a) Push up line hops- 2x12
1b) Jumping pull ups-2x5
Cross-body Mountain Climbers- 2x15 each leg
Lunge Jumps- 2x10 each leg
Kettlebell Swings- 2x25 @50lbs (Just held two 25lbs plates together)
Overhead Med Ball Slam-3x10 @12lbs
6a) 4-Way Hip- 2x10
6b) Med Ball Ground pound- 2x10
I may eliminate the Lunge Jumps next week and add another set for Swings, 4-way hip, and Med Ball Pound. I have a toe thing and find the Lunge Jumps particularly painful in hyperextension.
Flatten your back. I know some PLs pull huge weight with rounded backs with no problem, but you didn’t say you were competing so you should probably be more concerned with safety and form than an extra 20 lbs on the bar. I may be overly sensitive, but I have two bad discs in my low back from a non-lifting accident so back position is a big deal to me. Once you blow a disc, nothing is ever the same. Protect the low back no matter what.
I presume that is near your max b/c you said you were re-establishing your maxes. Post a vid of a 70% or so pull so we can see good form.