If you haven’t checked it out, the Physique Clinic has opened its doors!
I’m officially jealous. I hope I get picked for the next round of contestants, I would looove to have Thibs in my corner and would bust my ass more than ever. I’m already adding in a daily walk as per his request to all the other participants to see how that helps me stay lean while I “bulk”
[quote]Lonnie123 wrote:
I’m officially jealous. I hope I get picked for the next round of contestants, I would looove to have Thibs in my corner and would bust my ass more than ever. I’m already adding in a daily walk as per his request to all the other participants to see how that helps me stay lean while I “bulk”[/quote]
x2 for jealousy - What can I say, didn’t know about it until this week, but the minute you guys start considering new entries - mine will be there REAL quick. In the mean while, at least I can follow along and hope for the best…
[quote]blind2limits wrote:
Lonnie123 wrote:
I’m officially jealous. I hope I get picked for the next round of contestants, I would looove to have Thibs in my corner and would bust my ass more than ever. I’m already adding in a daily walk as per his request to all the other participants to see how that helps me stay lean while I “bulk”
x2 for jealousy - What can I say, didn’t know about it until this week, but the minute you guys start considering new entries - mine will be there REAL quick. In the mean while, at least I can follow along and hope for the best…[/quote]
I saw it the first day the new layout was rolled out and signed up. I was a chub back then and have since done the transformation myself, but I would love to have some guidance to not get to chub status again on this mass gaining cycle.
so when is the next ‘round’ of recruitment? ;]
Where does it say the applications process is closed? It seems as though they’re still allowing applications?
Good luck to the chosen. I’ll be keeping an eye on the progress.
it says top ten physiques so i guess they’re choosing 6 more…>_>
I have a question. Are they going to be posting their workouts on a log, or is it going to be kept more secretive?
i’m excited about this. T-Nation articles are always great, but to see a guy that actually looks like yourself transform his body is even more motivating.
NOTE: If you applied and weren’t chosen in this first round, don’t worry, you may still get picked. This is going to be an ongoing feature of T-Nation (and soon our women’s site, MWA, too.) We just started with four and are playing it by ear for now.
If we outright decline you, then you’ll get a note. If you don’t get a note, consider yourself still in the running and keep an eye on your email and PM’s.
By the way, reasons for getting declined could be:
– Poor photos where we can’t evaluate your current physique and needs.
– Didn’t fill out the form correctly or provide adequate info.
– We may be looking for a different type of physique goal at that time. For example, if we have several “fat guys” going already, we may be looking for a “skinny guy” next. Or vice versa.
– You may be super advanced already. If a person has already lost 50 pounds of fat, gained 40 pounds of muscle, and won a bodybuilding contest, then there’s not much more we can do. Well, Coach Thibaudeau CAN tweak things and make improvements, but the results won’t be very visually dramatic.
– I’ll have to check with Tim Patterson on this one, but at this time I don’t think we’re accepting those under 18. Since we send participants free supplements, that would be problematic.
[quote]Der Candy wrote:
I have a question. Are they going to be posting their workouts on a log, or is it going to be kept more secretive?[/quote]
Hey guys unless I am told otherwise I plan on keeping y’all updated on everything! I’ll be posting what I eat, how I train, and then of course what Thibs has already asked for (heart rate, temp, weight)!
Until I hear otherwise this is my plan at least
im scary excited about this whole thing.
to have the resource of seeing a couch-led evolution of nutrition and training programmes…seeing those little tweaks to what otherwise looks a good option…
thats the interest. there are already training logs out there, but whose do you watch? when people are assessing their own programmes and progress it is incredibly subjective.
for example - ive battled against the ‘size king’ issue the whole way so far, and so i have a skewed sense of reality when looking at what im doing…because of this i wouldnt want anyone to follow my methods.
but to have someone acting as a medium for the online blog - and to call the person on their misconceptions - will help alot of people!
Ive applied of course, and was wondering if people in the UK stand as much chance?
i for one would like to see a couple of UK based examples - they would help tie British readers into the projects benefits (people who could have more contact with the trainers and could develop UK versions of various suppliment and food recommendations)!
- its often dis-orientating to have the US cultural references running wild in some of these things.
I love this idea.
I obviously applied as well, back in August.
If I got picked 1st round, 2nd round, 3rd round. Whichever whenever. Oh man.
Good luck to all, good luck to all who were picked. Show us what you can do, specially with these guys in your corner. YEAH!
When i agree to the terms and submit my next page comes up blank,trying to figure out where to send info. help please
why be jealous? you can read the same advice and apply it to yourselves, tweaking as necessary. Hell, most of us already know 95% of the shit we need to do and dont need CT, Shugart or anyone else to tell us, the infos on the site, we are just too lazy to do it. so just do it
[quote]print wrote:
When i agree to the terms and submit my next page comes up blank,trying to figure out where to send info. help please[/quote]
Are you sure you are logged in on the Testosterone side before you try to register for the Physique Clinic? If you are logged in here on TMAGNUM you should be logged in there. But just double check.
By the way, here’s the link for those wanting to sign up for the next round:
Or just click the LEARN MORE AND SIGN UP link on the main page.
When will the next round be starting
I already sent mine in. T-Nation is great for doing this.