PGA's Friday Videos (6/9/06)

I’m going to start up an every Friday video post. I watch a ton of videos on the web and duing the week I’ll serach for the week’s best one and post it on Friday. I already posted the Ultimate Kitty Fighter thread but this is a good one also. I’m going to try to get ones people havent seen or at the very least that havent been posted here.

This is Arnold in Rio during carnival.

This is sweet, nice idea PGA. I’ll look forward to it each Friday.

[quote]Bauer97 wrote:
This is sweet, nice idea PGA. I’ll look forward to it each Friday.[/quote]

What a great vid. Cool find PGA.


I like the part where Arny gets up and tries to be cute with the dancers and they keep grabbing his wrists and removing his hands from their asses.

His “date” looks like she was wishing the camera wasn’t on her so she could split quietly.

Good one PGA

Thats classic.

Bump Skiddy, Bump Skiddy, Bump Skiddy.