True, two people cannot be held as representations of an entire organizations behavior. However, considering their usually zealotous, holier than thou stance towards animals and their treatemnt, I find it interesting that they have not called for both of these folks’ heads on pike poles, such as they would had any other citizen been accused of such behavior.
PETA owns a huge euthanasia animal placement place in virginia. that’s right, it’s not a “no-euthanasia” rescue, they put them down if they can’t find a home.
I guess keeping the animals alive is too expensive, according to PETA.
On the other hand, PETA is against “owning” animals as pets, so maybe they think killing them is more humane.
I bet that as deeply immersed in their own special brand of thinking as PETA are, to them this is O.K.
I think eating them is fine too, just not my choice. At least in cultures like the one in R.W.s post, there isn’t any hipocracy about it.
Hell, a couple of my brothers have eaten monkey in the Phillapines and South America. They said it was pretty good.
I think both they and I would be pretty unhappy with the thought that putting them “to sleep” would be better for them than being a much valued part of my family.
Ah well, at the same time, I know for a fact I’m going to cook up some slabs of cow this weekend and research the age old riddle of “where’s the beef”.
PETA can kiss my ass coming and going, bunch of ass clowns.
[quote]vroom wrote:
On the other hand, PETA is against “owning” animals as pets, so maybe they think killing them is more humane.
My pets are treated like family.
I think both they and I would be pretty unhappy with the thought that putting them “to sleep” would be better for them than being a much valued part of my family.
Ah well, at the same time, I know for a fact I’m going to cook up some slabs of cow this weekend and research the age old riddle of “where’s the beef”.
PETA can kiss my ass coming and going, bunch of ass clowns.[/quote]
-Mark the date, 17 June…
I’m completely undoubtedly 100% in full agreement with Vroom…
Except that I’m on the V-diet right now and have to eat vicariously through my roomates and friends this weekend…