I’m currently getting ready to start Perverator from Forever, and I have some questions about whether I’ve interpreted the program correctly. In Forever, it says that Perverator is always done with 3/5/1 but in the programming it says Perverator is done with 5s Pro. My understand of 5s Pro is a bit complicated. On page 50 of Beyond, 5s Pro is said to start with 65x5,75x5,85x5 on week 1 while in other places (like on his blog: beach body challenge) 5s Pro appears to start with 70x5,80x5,90x5. So, I’ve been planning to use this as my 5s Pro:
Week 1: 70% x 5, 80% x 5, 90% x 5
Week 2: 65% x 5, 75% x 5, 85% x 5
Week 3: 75% x 5, 85% x 5, 95% x 5
Since all lifts on 5s Pro are done for sets of 5, I don’t see how to do both 3/51/ and 5s Pro. How is 5s Pro done with 3/51/? I have both Beyond and Forever, so feel free to reference any of the text if that will help. Thanks.