2x11, 1x10: front squat 79 kg
3x7: db floor press 44 kg
1x12: db floor press 36 kg
1x15: military press 49 kg
2x11: double pause deadlift 129 kg
1x10: power clean 59 kg
2x10: bentover row 79 kg
Cleans went well but still felt them a bit in my left arm so only did one set. Arm felt totally fine doing the rows.
3x10: Zercher squat 109 kg
1x3: military press 79 kg
2x5: military press 75 kg
1x7: military press 69 kg
1x10: military press 59 kg
1x15: military press 49 kg
1x22: deadlift 119 kg
3x3: pullup 36 kg
1x10, 2x3: pullup
3x12: front squat 79 kg
3x7: db floor press 44 kg
1x12: db floor press 36 kg
1x15: military press 49 kg
2x10: snatch grip deadlift 129 kg
1x10: double pause deadlift 129 kg
3x10: bentover row 79 kg
Tired and sore after yesterday… not from any epic physical effort but from recording a very non-ergonomic musical instrument that required awkwardly bending over.
1x8: Zercher squat 119 kg
2x10: Zercher squat 109 kg
3x5: military press 75 kg
1x6: military press 69 kg
1x10: military press 59 kg
1x15: military press 49 kg
1x21: deadlift 129 kg
3x3: pullup 36 kg
3x10: pullup
Did the pullups as three drop sets instead of doing a drop set and two short rest-pause sets after the third weighted pullups.
3x12: front squat 81 kg
3x7: db floor press 44 kg
1x12: db floor press 36 kg
1x15: military press 49 kg
1x8: double pause deadlift 149 kg
1x10: double pause deadlift 139 kg
3x10: bentover row 79 kg
3x10: Zercher squat 109 kg
2x3: military press 79 kg
1x5: military press 75 kg
1x6: military press 69 kg
1x10: military press 59 kg
1x15: military press 49 kg
Zercher squats and even a slight case of diarrhea is a stressful combination, heh. Got through the sets with clean underwear, though.
1x17: deadlift 139 kg
3x3: pullup 36 kg
3x10: pullup
3x12: front squat 81 kg
3x7: db floor press 44 kg
1x12: db floor press 36 kg
1x14: military press 49 kg
2x10: snatch grip deadlift 129 kg
1x10: double pause deadlift 129 kg
3x10: bentover row 79 kg
1x6: Zercher squat 119 kg
2x10: Zercher squat 109 kg
1x20, 1x15: military press 49 kg
At the top of that sixth squat rep something apparently decided to misalign in my lower back. A lot less scary to go “huh my lower back suddenly kinda hurts” at the top of a rep than at the bottom, but at least I was smart enough to put the bar on the sawhorses instead of going “eh I can probably finish the set”. Then I did a couple of light sets of presses, one very slow and careful and the other faster. That felt OK, if anything it made the lower back less sore.
Will see if it stays sore for a while or if it just fixes itself quickly. Last time I did something like this was probably a decade ago, trying to do front squats with super high reps. That took a couple of months to fully clear up.
Day off today, but back update: felt better this morning, in normal “back’s a little sore today” territory and feels even better now in the afternoon. So, yeah, just seems like a little temporary misalignment that fixed itself by sleeping, though of course going back to lifting as planned tomorrow might still not be smart.
1x5: deadlift 149 kg
1x5: deadlift 139 kg
1x5: deadlift 129 kg
5x5: pullup 12 kg
Feeling 100% fine today, but figured I might as well do a deload week. Better than taking a week off completely, as I can keep track of how I’m feeling and if anything feels wrong moving light weights. Would’ve been easier to just do bodyweight pullups, but also wanted to see if a little extra weight pulling down on the spine (especially when decelerating at the bottom of the rep) won’t do anything bad. It didn’t.
3x10: front squat 69 kg
3x8: one arm db floor press 36 kg
1x12: two arm db floor press 22 kg
1x10: military press 49 kg
Haven’t tried doing db floor presses with both arms at once in… well over a decade, I’m pretty sure. The main challenge as the weights get heavier is really putting the dbs down at the end while sorta supporting them with your thighs, so the whole rest doesn’t end up on the point of your elbow. Or maybe there’s a smarter way…
2x6: double pause deadlift 129 kg
1x12: power clean 49 kg
2x12: bentover row 59 kg