My last log has so many entries the thread reached the limit of replies and got locked. I’m apparently pretty persistent.
To reintroduce myself in the new thread: I started lifting almost 8 years ago at age 30. I was always skinny, under 140 pounds. I’m now around 210 pounds. I train at home with very basic equipment - no bench, no rack, no pullup bar. I do have a pair of sawhorses I use for front squats, and do pullups hanging off the side of a staircase. So, I don’t do a big variety of lifts and most of the time do full body training 3 days a week.
Other hobbies: music and growing edible plants behind my house. Lifting weights makes both of them a lot easier. Here’s a bit of live video from a show a couple of months ago.
But, back to persistently lifting, here’s what I did today:
2x6: deadlift 189 kg (415.8 lbs for the Americans)
1x4: deadlift 209 kg (459.8 lbs)
My bar weighs about 9 kilos, hence the odd numbers. These are done touch and go, no belt. I do have a belt, just haven’t used it in a while.
3x10: behind the neck press 51 kg (112.2 lbs)
Only been doing them behind the neck for a few weeks, still getting used to it.
3x12: pullup
1x12, 2x11: front squat 99 kg (217.8 lbs)
Done off sawhorses.
3x12: db floor press 42 kg (92.4 lbs)
One arm at a time.
3x8: pullup 24 kg (52.8 lbs)
Done hanging off the side of a staircase, weight is some plates in an old backpack. Pretty ghetto, but it works though I can’t quite get my chin over the “bar” as I’d hit my head on the ceiling first. So, they’re not really properly full range.
1x6, 2x5: front squat 119 kg
3x8: db clean and press 24 kg
Hate these.
1x9, 2x8: db hammer curl 24 kg
Done alternating. I will do curls for a few weeks every couple of years, then just give up on them.
1x6: deadlift 189 kg
1x3: deadlift 209 kg
1x2: deadlift 219 kg
1x11, 2x10: behind the neck press 51 kg
3x12: pullup
3x12: front squat 99 kg
3x12: db floor press 42 kg
2x8: pullup 25 kg
2x6, 1x5: front squat 119 kg
1x9, 2x8: db clean and press 24 kg
1x9, 2x8: db hammer curl 24 kg
1x7: deadlift 189 kg
1x3: deadlift 209 kg
1x3: deadlift 219 kg
1x10, 2x9: behind the neck press 53 kg
3x12: pullup
Feeling pretty crappy today, but it doesn’t seem to have made me any weaker.
3x12: front squat 99 kg
1x12: db floor press 42 kg (left side of my chest has been sore for a few days and isn’t liking these today, so I didn’t do more sets)
1x3, 7x2: pullup 25 kg
Had some other stuff to do this evening, not much time to lift, but let’s do a little something.
2x6, 1x5: front squat 119 kg
1x6: deadlift 189 kg
1x3: deadlift 209 kg
1x2: deadlift 229 kg
3x10: behind the neck press 53 kg
3x12: pullup
1x13, 2x12: front squat 99 kg
3x3, 5x2: pullup 25 kg
3x6: front squat 119 kg
3x9: db clean and press 24 kg
2x9, 1x8: db hammer curl 24 kg
1x6: deadlift 189 kg
1x3: deadlift 209 kg
1x2: deadlift 229 kg
3x10: behind the neck press 53 kg
3x12: pullup
1x10: front squat 103 kg
Gonna take a week off now.
Week off ended up being only 5 days.
1x6: deadlift 189 kg
1x3: deadlift 209 kg
1x2: deadlift 229 kg
3x10: behind the neck press 53 kg
3x12: pullup
3x10: front squat 103 kg
5x3, 3x2: pullup 25 kg
3x12: db floor press 42 kg
1x5: front squat 119 kg
1x3; front squat 129 kg
0x1: front squat 139 kg
1x1: front squat 129 kg
3x9: db clean and press 24 kg
3x9: hammer curl 24 kg
I’ve front squatted 139 and even a few more kilos off sawhorses before, so I’m sure I can do it, but apparently I need to work my way up to it again.
1x6: deadlift 189 kg
1x3: deadlift 209 kg
1x2: deadlift 229 kg
3x10: behind the neck press 53 kg
3x12: pullup
This week is really bad to plan. I will probably have a couple of free evenings, but can’t be sure about any of them. Got something to do this evening, too, but I had enough time to get some squats in.
1x11, 2x10: front squat 103 kg
1x5: front squat 119 kg
1x3; front squat 129 kg
1x2: front squat 133 kg
3x9: db clean and press 24 kg
1x10, 2x9: hammer curl 24 kg