Ok, first off, no measurements were taken, sorry, but my girlfriend is currently on the program and she is definitely seeing results with increases in muscle mass(read my post to Tampa-Terry regarding fat loss). I’m a little disturbed by your question regarding the ease of the program, as I feel a program should challenge your body to see noticable results, so no, the 20 rep squats and RDLs back to back are not easy, but the results that ensue definitely offer considerable remuneration for any torment you may experience at the time. In short, it is an excellent template that can be applied to any goal, and my girflfriend likes the variety and she’s going to shift to more of a powerlifting approach next time around. If you have any questions regarding training or LBM gain, let me know, for fat loss, Tampa-Terry is the authority:)
Very satisfied with the program, I did use MAG-10 while on it. I went into the program with a higher bf % than I wanted b/c I screwed up my diet a bit after my last cutting cycle but decided to go ahead with it so here’s where I started/ended up. Oh and I ran one 5 week cycle b/c my bf was just too high and I wanted to level off then get to cutting.
Start of program, 145 lbs, 12.2% bf
End of program, 164 lbs, 14.3% bf
3 weeks later after having a run with the flu for 2 weeks and being unable to train I’m 162 lbs and I’d guess about the same bf. I used massive eating reloaded for my diet.
I’m finally over the flu so I’ll be testing my maxes this week so I can’t tell you that yet but from the 1 week I did train heavy before I got sick that my lifts are definatley up. I’ll be going on meltdown training now for 3 weeks then 5x5 to get back under 10% bf before running another pendulum bodybuilding cycle.
I did the program earlier this year and it was a great experience. I gained about 11 pounds in as many weeks and about 2 pounds of that at the most was fat. It is a brilliant program for mass gains. I intend to repeat it in a few weeks but this time with some assistance from MAG-10.
ive been on it 5 weeks now, ive gained 5lbs and maintained bodyfat at 12% im going to do it for one maybe two more pendulum cycles. Im enjoying it, something new every week to look forward to.
[quote]WguitarG wrote:
Ok, first off, no measurements were taken, sorry, but my girlfriend is currently on the program and she is definitely seeing results with increases in muscle mass(read my post to Tampa-Terry regarding fat loss). I’m a little disturbed by your question regarding the ease of the program, as I feel a program should challenge your body to see noticable results, so no, the 20 rep squats and RDLs back to back are not easy, but the results that ensue definitely offer considerable remuneration for any torment you may experience at the time. In short, it is an excellent template that can be applied to any goal, and my girflfriend likes the variety and she’s going to shift to more of a powerlifting approach next time around. If you have any questions regarding training or LBM gain, let me know, for fat loss, Tampa-Terry is the authority:)[/quote]
WG, my question regarding “ease of program” concerned if the program was easy to understand and apply (not easy to do!).
Well here’s my quick results after pendulum training with some background info.
I did 4 weeks of ABBH (3 weeks as prescribed then 1 week switching the rep ranges for exercises) followed by 5 weeks of pendulum training while on MAG-10 followed by 2 weeks of heavy lifting to solidify the MAG-10 gains followed by 2 weeks of the flu where I sat on my ass sick. The exercises obviously aren’t the same b/c I’m doing CW’s SFM now and I’ve only maxed for the exercises I need.
Pre ABBH/Pendulum training (I weighed approx 135 lbs)
Bench: 195
Squat: 225 x 3 after ABBH
Front Squat: 170
Deadlift: 315
Current Numbers: (I weigh approx 161 lbs)
Rack lockouts: 245 x 3
Box Squat: 245 x 3
Good mornings: 205 x 3
Front Squat: 205 x 4
I feel I’ve gained a good amount of size/strength from ABBH and Pendulum bodybuilding and would recommend both to anyone. With Pendulum Bodybuilding + MAG-10 I went from 145 lbs to 164 lbs over a 5 week period. I think the key was to doing ABBH before pendulum bodybuilding. Once I finish dieting down I’m going to do a cycle of the strength focused mesocycle followed by pendulum bodybuilding.