Pendlay on Simmons

[quote]Paul33 wrote:

[quote]BacktotheBar wrote:

[quote]Paul33 wrote:

[quote]jbpick86 wrote:

[quote]Paul33 wrote:
“quads are for bodybuilders”
“the benchpress is not a chest exercise”
Louie simmons

Did you read my post or the article I linked or do you just enjoy being ignorant?? It literally says that Louis instructs any lifters under his tutelage that want to go raw to work on strengthening the quads more and narrow their stance. Also by quoting him saying that the bench is not a chest exercise as evidence of his ignorance just makes you look inexperienced. To a powerlifter, raw or not, the bench is not only a chest exercise. Legs, lats, shoulders, triceps are all involved in the a powerlifters bench. However, did you know that Louis has his raw lifters do repetition work with their feet elevated on the bench to purely strengthen the chest more. If you don’t know all of this I think you need to take a big step back and evaluate whether or not you should be discussing topics that you have no idea about.

I don’t even use the conjugate system, and could really care less about Louis, however, people bashing one persons work from a place of sheer ignorance of that persons work is supremely annoying to me.[/quote]

well then where are the results[/quote]

Figure out who this lifter is in the IPF/USAPL 275 class.

one does not prove anything. also what were his lifts before conjugate. also what are his lifts besides a good pull. if 99% of top lifters use one style and 1% use another, which is the superior method[/quote]

So, what is your superior method? With all of your 10 posts, and with your initial post being a misquote of Pendlay, tell us something useful.

You also subdue to my point that any system works if you have a plan and stick with it. Do you really know the percentages of who uses what?

Sh*t, go call Louie and whine to him.

Also, learn how to f*cking read before you quote someone!