Hi everyone, first i want to state that I understand de stupidity of only exercising the chest with the pec dec.
The thing is, i´ve sprained my left wrist! Thus I cant use any exercise that means putting a weiht in my hand, but i dont want to let my pecs and front delts shrivel from lack of exercise.
Any one would like to weigh in?
I would also appreciate it if anyone could tell me of a single exercise for back that doesnt involve gripping something wth my hands!
Thanks in advance
get super heavy wrist wraps from elitefts. I snapped my wrist on heavy DB press and those things saved my ass and allowed me to lift/recover at the same time.
i couldnt even move my hand it was so bad… took me forever to dress myself.
but to answer your question… i wouldnt do pec deck w/o an injury much less with one lol…
Is the pec dec that bad? I was thinking of doing 3 fullbody workouts instead of the typical 4 day split. That way I would only do 3-4 sets of pec dec each workout (which would put less stress per session) but over the week my pecs should get a half-decent stimuli.
[quote]prometheus1 wrote:
Is the pec dec that bad? I was thinking of doing 3 fullbody workouts instead of the typical 4 day split. That way I would only do 3-4 sets of pec dec each workout (which would put less stress per session) but over the week my pecs should get a half-decent stimuli.[/quote]
Pec deck is awesome. And since you can’t pretty much nothing else, time for my extreme punishment. GVT, 10 sets of 10 reps, with a minute rest in between each set.