This is a question for any martial artist T-men out there. After reading an article in T-mag I bought the evil Russian’s stretching book, I gave the program a half assed try and got half assed results. Now I want to try again. I’ve been training in martial arts TKD, Thai and jujitsu for over 12 years but never achieved the side splits - I’m flexible enough to give a good kickin to the head but always wanted to have the old Bill Wallace (dare I say Van Damme flexibility). I tried the old “Stretching scientifically” and got a bit of an increase in static flexibility but nothing to write home about. Basically, considering I’m on the Limping workout at the moment, I dont want to waste my time (and have the extra pain on top of the ian king workouts) if the russians “program” isnt going to really work.
So has anyone out there achieved significant increases in flexibility(ie: full side splits) by doing the STI outlined in the book or am I better off going home and drinking my GROW! ??
Or if anyone out there has any other recommendations, and I dont want to hear from people who are naturally flexible and could do the splits in 3 weeks, just other “hard gainers” in the flexibility dept.
Personally I’ve never tried this program or heard nothing good or bad about it. From a research perspective, the most optimal way to increase flexiblity is through PNF stretching. I personally incorporate PNF stretching in my training and the results are great. I can’t do a full split, but I’m pretty damn close. And by the way, you really don’t need a partner do do PNF stretching, you just be creative. Hope this helps.
Combat, what is PNF stretching? I’m not familiar with the acronym.
I am a B.B. as well as a martial artist(Brazilian Ju-Jitsu) and have used and experienced great results with Pavel’s routines. I’d say the only knock is that he doesn’t give the most clear and concise presentation and had to study both the book and video to figure out a routine. Whereas I can’t reach rock bottom, I have no doubt of it’s eventuality if that’s what you’re after.
Greetings Martin! I have a friend who received a nice power rack and Olympic weight set for Christmas…it’s still sitting in the boxes. Can’t image why he’s not getting results. Ok enough busting your wavos. The beyond stretching program works. I have two others …Kurtz…and a range of motion program. This one has delivered much more and much faster than the others. Learn it, live it, love it!! Now back way from the computer and…S…T…R…E…T…C…H!!! Midnight
I am not familiar with this specific type of strecthing but I can say that strectching with a partner is really the only way that I have found to increase flexibility. In my own experience anyway. Strecthing on my own has seemed to maintain some of the flexibility that I gained when I was studying Kung Fu (Preying Mantis)but I went from somewhat inflexible to very flexible in about two very painful months. Having my sifu just push me into a stretch almost made me want to cry but otherwise I wouldn’t have gone anywhere near what I really had to do to increase flexibility. I found that my muscles were really holding me, not allowing me to go down into a truly, full stretch. Once those muscles tire, you find yourself sinking into a deeper and deeper stretch. Very effective but you need to be working with someone who really knows what they are doing!
Thanks for the messages for far guys,
Greg, PNF from memory is Post(I think this is what it stands for) Neuromuscular Facilitation - or something like that anyway, it involves getting into the stretched position and contracting the stretched muscle for a few seconds then relaxing and you can stretch a bit further. The STI (Shutdown Threshold Isometrics) that i asked about is pavels version where you contract the muscle until it fatigues and cant resist you anymore so you stretch deeper. (sounds a bit like what Deniz sifu was doing to him)
Tapjg and Midnight thanks for the tips, but Midnight what is this mysterious “range of motion program” that worked the best and then you didnt tell me where to get a copy or what it was!!!
And lastly guys - do you do these stretching routines after you have trained legs ie: squats, deadlifts etc or on a seperate day, or to put it plainer am I being a wimp for feeling too fucked after squatting??? (Midnight, you better watch your reply - squat rack and olympic bar for xmas my arse … ha ha ha)
For me I really like a light bit of stretching before my workouts but by far the best time to increase flexibility is after your squatting! So ya, you might just be a pussy. J/K