A guy I know at the gym has a self-image problem, i.e., he thinks he works hard but is one of the smallest guys in the gym. He does mostly conventional bodybuilding style workouts, so I suggested he switch to a “Power to the People” style program a la Pavel T. I remarked that even though Pavel isn’t huge (by pro BB standards) he’s very strong. This guy then counters by asking Pavel’s stats - which I didn’t know.
Could somebody please tell me Pavel’s height, weight and the kind of loads he uses in some of his signature lifts?
I am he is about 5’11" 190lbs. I met him at a seminar. His lifts…I saw him do 1 arm 1 leg pushups, 1 legged squats like nothing…Ill have to check on his kettlebell lifts. Crazy weights there too.