since April 2010 i have been decommissioned with PFPS, which doesn’t sit right with me—not just because of my active lifestyle, but also because i feel as though it’s a knee pain “otherwise unspecified” with no consensus amongst medical professionals as to what causes or cures the condition.
June 2010 i saw a family practice/sports medicine doc who ordered X-rays, gave me the diagnosis, and opted to pursue conservative treatment with physical therapy. X-rays are normal, and my follow up with him is in 2 weeks (after which, i will seek the opinion of an orthopedic surgeon). i don’t know if he will order an MRI at that time, but while i have insurance, i am willing to go through with any and all tests before my lay-off scheduled for September 2010.
physical therapist detects a weakness in my hips, particularly medical glutes. my femur is also 22", and my height is 66". i am working on strengthening my hips, spending at least 30 min a day on prescribed corrective exercises.
i have a patellar tilt, which is taped with leukotape prior to anything like spinning or running. without the taping, running, stair climbing, ellipticals, and even biking is out of the question.
symptoms are retropatellar and peripatellar pain, with crepitus. i am so frustrated and wondering if there’s anyone else out there who would like to share their own experiences with this condition. i foam roll and stretch after EVERY workout. i was running in older running shoes, def due for a change (tsk tsk, naughty naughty me!).
when not running or engaging in high impact activities, i was wearing Vibrams Sprint to walk around in, lift weights, sit around in, do yoga, etc. in the past three years of activity and cross-training, WHY NOW?!! WHY ME?!