I woke up this morning feeling a slight pain underneath my left scapula. The pain was prevalen when i turned my neck left and right.
Two days ago i flipped over on my mountain bike and fell in a ditch which i think gave me a minor whiplash the next morning.
My neck isn’t cramping at all… but my scapula is two days later. Makes no sense to me since i haven’t worked out in two days either. What could this be? I can push and pull w/ out pain. the only time it bothers me is when i turn my neck left or right.
Cervical nerve root impingement (ie from a herniated disc) often causes pain in the scapular region. This sounds like a real possibility given that the pain is worse when you move your neck. See the yellow pages for a neurosurgeon or an orthopedic surgeon.
It could be something as simple as a strained levator scapula muscle. Look for an ART provider, it’s more likely a simple muscle strain than a herniated disc.
thats crazy… i’ve had cramps in that region before on my right side… usually the next day after a bout of lat pull downs or bent over rows, but this is different… it could be from sleepin wrong… im tring to massage the shit out… im going to take the advice on a doctor… hopefully it goes away in a couple days, i was going to do hang cleans tonight but im puttin that on hold